Lee Enfield N4 MK II

if they are still wrapped u cant ask for less then 1000 really, i mean after all its costin him 800 just to buy em, then shippin and such. 1200 sounds fair.
If they're unissued in original mummy wrap that 600 euro price is fair for you. You'll be able to sell them for $1200 IMO.

If they're issued rifles in cosmo they're $600 rifles. $700 if pristine.
IT seems like a bit much, but you have a great track record. Buy a few crates of bayonets, slings, extra mags, they're bound to drop their price a little bit :) You need the accessories anyway :)
I will not take sign up list just yet. I asked for pictures and quantity that I have to buy. Once I have it then I will post here for review I was told that there is 100 or so available. It is British I believe. I think once I have pictures and description you the CGN community will tell me if it worth my while.
As to price I will negotiate lowest available so that you will enjoy. My problem is what Europe and USA are willing to pay for it. I was told it is the last batch that was dogged up from somewhere.
I paid $300 for my 1955 Pakistani arsenal No.4 MkII and I took it out of the grease myself.
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