Rust on SKS stripper clips

lol, this has turned into a marketplace for stripper clips. I am looking for some, but I do not want to buy 1000+ rounds of surplus just for the clips and I do not want to pay $1 a piece for them neither.

But I did spend $100 on 200 8x57 nickel plated stripper clips from Numrich.
Alright guys I'm now up to my max niceness for now.. When I shoot some more ammo ill have some more clips to give away but for now that's it. Ill make a post when I have more
they come with all surplus ammo so you can easily pick them up at any shooting range.
I would just clean them - save time
I don't even shoot x39 and yet I still seem to have some strippers clips.
Picked them up at a local pit, figured I might shoot x39 one day.
Hey, just got my order of sks stripper clips from marstar and they have rust on them, is this normal as they are probably surplus.


Pay no mind to the majority of the braying a55es on here man.

Just soak them in some gun oil in a plastic bag for a couple days then give them a good wipe down with some steel wool.

For the record, if you need them in the future there are people on here that have gads of them just collecting dust including myself. I would have shipped you some for just the price of postage.

Hope this helps, cheers!
I'd be a little upset if I bought some something that was delivered rusty, especially if it wasn't explicitly said that it may have wear or corrosion. I bought some M1 Garand en blocs from Marstar a while ago that came rusty, and they were advertised as new. It certainly bothered me, but for the cost it wasn't worth my time to do anything about it and I took it as a lesson learned. I also see that the SKS/7.62x39 stripper clips are advertised as new as well. I guess buyer beware, but I now know that Marstars interpretation of "as new" is not the same as mine.
I'd be a little upset if I bought some something that was delivered rusty, especially if it wasn't explicitly said that it may have wear or corrosion. I bought some M1 Garand en blocs from Marstar a while ago that came rusty, and they were advertised as new. It certainly bothered me, but for the cost it wasn't worth my time to do anything about it and I took it as a lesson learned. I also see that the SKS/7.62x39 stripper clips are advertised as new as well. I guess buyer beware, but I now know that Marstars interpretation of "as new" is not the same as mine.


I'm still trying to get over the fact that Marstar had something advertised on their website that was actually in stock hahaha :D
"I'm still trying to get over the fact that Marstar had something advertised on their website that was actually in stock hahaha "
Its so nice to see such positive individual out there.... I'll bet you get very disappointed when things go right for you ??
Did you get these clips alone or on ammo....?

Did you contact us over this "major" issue ?

"I'm still trying to get over the fact that Marstar had something advertised on their website that was actually in stock hahaha "
Its so nice to see such positive individual out there.... I'll bet you get very disappointed when things go right for you ??

lol It was a joke man, relax.

I actually bought an M48BO off you guys a few years back and it was great rifle and great service.

Just a little fun. You still have to admit though a lot of stuff on your site is never in stock lol It's kind of a running gag up here in my circle of friends anyhow.

Keep up the good work Sir.
I got the clips alone.

I did not contact you as I was unsure if this was considered a "major" issue or if it was the usual condition stripper clips came in.


Surface rust on the clips is nothing.. Doesn't affect the function and they weren't exactly manufactured for beauty. You can clean them up with wd40 and steel wool, but realistically... Why bother? FYI I got into this thread to thow a wisecrack or two at you, but there are plenty of those in this thread ;)
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