Do You Allow Military Surplus Ammo On Range?

As far as i knew i thought Tracer ammo was illegal in canada.
someone correct me if im wrong?
cuz if im not i WANT SOME!
shot some tracer in the US and its fun as hell to shoot at dusk or in a wooded area, just have to make sure the area condish isnt dry as hell, cuz that stuff can start fires.
As far as i knew i thought Tracer ammo was illegal in canada.
someone correct me if im wrong?
cuz if im not i WANT SOME!
shot some tracer in the US and its fun as hell to shoot at dusk or in a wooded area, just have to make sure the area condish isnt dry as hell, cuz that stuff can start fires.

illegal to purchase, illegal to shoot and own? nope

goodfight logic right?
Tracer has a tendency to set fires thats for sure. In fact I think of all the times I have used tracer in the military only a few times did it not start a fire on the range.
If I remember correctly the tracers must be approved by some wildlife group thingy(I don't feel like looking it up sory), since most involve bullet with a flaming base they are a no go.
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