RMO-93 Rys-K and Rys-F


Supporting Dealer
We have got a commercial offer from tula on RMO-93 (RMB-93) shotguns.


Model ............................................. Rys-F...................Rys-K
Caliber ............................................ 12/70...................12/70
Barrel length .................................... 680 mm.................528 mm
Magazine capacity ............................ 7 rnds...................7 rnds.
Weight (unloaded) ............................ 2,6 kg...................2,2 kg
Length unfolded/folded....................... 1049/809 мм..........879/657 мм

Projected retail price $1100. Any interest?
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Here deal, comrade.

You obtain gun of shot, and maybe you obtain my rubles.
Also, once I get some things sorted out on my end, I'll have buy one of those Vikings and/or ( <--most likely the first) a Makarov. I knew you guys existed, but I never visited your pistol section for some reason...
I'd be more interested in the toz-106 the short little bolt action

TOZ-106 is made by TOZ factory and currently is not in production. If they resume production we will bring it.

RMO-93 is made by KBP other tula factory, who also makes GSh-18 pistols.
According to the Russian firearms regulations the firearm must not be able to discharge if folded to a less than 800 mm. Rys-F is 809mm. folded, it doesn't require trigger block/disconnector.

MTs-255 is not in serial production. Price on special order starts at $3000 at the factory gates.
Convince KBP to restart production of the Berkut and I am in for one.

Edit: By the way, the Berkut is showing in their site, so they are still offering it!!!
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