Chinese Mosin - Type 53

Perhaps then I'll check out a Chinese one if they become available, its a good reason to blast off some surplus ammo.
Most of this kind stuffs, if not all, were melted into steel blocks during Culture Revolution in 1960's after they were entirely replaced by SKS (type 56).

So the fact that marstar just stated they are looking to bring some in, and that you can buy them readily enough in the US are all just smoke and mirrors? I guess not all of them were smelted down.
I heard that the ones sold in the US were captured during Korea war, not exported by Chinese. Was this true?

Seeing as companies are selling them in large groups like the SKS sells up here, I'd say no, not all viet captures. The US can still import Chinese guns, they just can't import them directly from china. China did supply firearms to other counties similar to what Russia did. Egyptian contracts and other African and Middle East deals come to mind.

Also, many have importation markings when found in the US, which is not consistent with capture imports that are not import marked.
"Most of this kind stuffs, if not all, were melted into steel blocks during Culture Revolution in 1960's after they were entirely replaced by SKS (type 56). "

I wish w had read this before traveling, inspecting stocks, selected guns and negtiating contracts, we could have saved thousands.... I wish we had your sources of information.... BTW people we never brought in those SKS from China either
"Most of this kind stuffs, if not all, were melted into steel blocks during Culture Revolution in 1960's after they were entirely replaced by SKS (type 56). "

I wish w had read this before traveling, inspecting stocks, selected guns and negtiating contracts, we could have saved thousands.... I wish we had your sources of information.... BTW people we never brought in those SKS from China either


OUCH!, King size b*tch slap. :slap:
"Most of this kind stuffs, if not all, were melted into steel blocks during Culture Revolution in 1960's after they were entirely replaced by SKS (type 56). "

I wish w had read this before traveling, inspecting stocks, selected guns and negtiating contracts, we could have saved thousands.... I wish we had your sources of information.... BTW people we never brought in those SKS from China either

I like the way you answer to some thread John!

Do you have a rough idea when those will be in?

Thank you
We never know how long these projects will take....
The SKS contract was three years in the making before the first container arrived here....
The 8mm ammo was bought and paid for over a year ago, not here yet....
A recent contract for AKs that we completed for the US took over 7 months....
We have a shipment of Soviet goods coming next month, bought and paid for 8 months ago....
Our multiple shipments of Chinese goods due to start arriving in June was contracted as far back as 2011....

IN SHORT, the surplus market has only one speed, SLOW....
"Maybe the government officials there need some kind of motivation? "

I wish it were that simple, in the old days it was an easy matter to motivate ($$) the individuals.... Now there are simply too many bureaucrats....

In the last few years even the shipments of the equipment I buy from Europe has slowed down a lot also and that is just electric motors and control boxs. I can imangine how long guns and ammo would take to get shipped into this country.
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