Chinese Mosin - Type 53

"Maybe the government officials there need some kind of motivation? "

I wish it were that simple, in the old days it was an easy matter to motivate ($$) the individuals.... Now there are simply too many bureaucrats....


Ain't that the truth...WAY too many bureaucrats-Chinese,Russian,Canadian etc...
Is the US allowing Chinese AK's to be imported for the civilian market again?

Or was it for military procurement?

I suspect John is referring they acted for the US to supply them to a third party (i.e. .gov sales). But that is only an assumption on my part since I do NOT think chicom AK's are back on the US civilian market.
I suspect John is referring they acted for the US to supply them to a third party (i.e. .gov sales). But that is only an assumption on my part since I do NOT think chicom AK's are back on the US civilian market.

Chinese AKs can come to Canada, we have bought them, no issue.... They cannot go to the US as there is and embargo in place on all Chinese military goods....
Then again should the US Government require some for a "friendly nation" they would ,of course, work around the regulations.... Aren't politics great ?

Given our restrictions it sucks even more when a gun legal here never makes it here

I just bought a like new SVT-40 from the surplus store for $300 and in the US they are $1000+

Sometimes they win and sometimes we win.

They also are not allowed Norinco guns or ammunition.

also look at the Rossi Ranch Hand. For some reason that one has a pile of paper work to tag along with it in the US and in Canada it is non restricted.

Our laws are getting better since Harper but i am worried if Trudeau gets into power he will restrict the crap out of it all and ruin the shooting sport in Canada.
AIM Surplus seems to have a bunch of Chinese Mosin 53s just brought in. They are a U.S.A. company but maybe that means there are some around. How about Tradeex or Marstar getting some in?
Agreed. considering m44 price is going to sky now, I d like to have a Chinese type 53 if it s reasonably priced.
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how many are in chinese warehouses, i was always told that chinese have seemingly endless amount of rifles stored.
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