Supplying the IDF Gear for World War Z

Brad Pitt will undoubtedly play the researcher that has put all the "short stories" that appear in the book together. That will be the opening montage, which will be the best part of the movie. And then it will be a race to find patient zero and synthesize a cure. I'll go see it, gun, zombies, military gear, and not with Will Smith.

Great pics. Not wanting to be a wet blanket here but as someone within the film industry, I would have been crucified if I posted these - especially prior to release date. I have wanted to post behind the scenes pictures on CGN of weapon related props and related gun effects many times but was read the riot act every time I asked. If you were given permission, awesome; if not, please tread carefully. There are many ####heads in this industry looking for a fight and I would hate to see a good thing get spoiled on similar opportunities in the future.

Take care,

They've been on Facebook for months, so CGN isn't a big worry for us! :D

Pretty sure our staff were in communication with the crew when all that was taking place.
IDF are some tough mother ####ers fighting the worse tough mother ####ers on the planet, all political issues aside I have lots of respect for them!
I read a bit of it untill it had trained military using ap rounds, i think it listed sabots, against them. I stopped reading right there.

But that was the whole issue in the battle for yonkers. How AP rounds goes right through them and they still keep coming. How all the high tech stuff wasnt useful.
That was the first thing I was looking for when I saw the trailer.

Doesn't look like it though :(

I'm sad only seeing the Tavor in junk movies like resident evil 8

I walked through 2 Israeli borders (Egypt into Israel, Israel into Jordan) less than a month ago, didn't see 1 Tavor. They had M4's though.

Also, the ONLY people who smile and are friendly in the slightest are the guys carrying the guns. They smile, wave, say hi. No one else smiles, they just stare at you for 5 minutes comparing your face to your passport.
I've read the book, and the movie seems like it will be a good zombie movie but staying true to the book would've been a lot better. I really like the TV series idea as it allows more time to develop the individual stories.

Congrats to Zahal, looks like a job well done on your part.
Hey that movie is finally out now!

We were pleased to see one Tavor and a Meprolight!

Too bad she didn't use it for anything.


For anyone else who has seen the movie: what pistol do you think Segen uses on the plane? We think it was a Jericho 941, but it wasn't on screen long enough!

Also: brownie points to a movie that promotes trigger discipline
I've read the book, and the movie seems like it will be a good zombie movie but staying true to the book would've been a lot better. I really like the TV series idea as it allows more time to develop the individual stories.

Congrats to Zahal, looks like a job well done on your part.

Ya, it's has little resemblance to the book, but it's a good zombie flick. Although the end is, well, too abrupt. It needed another 10 or 15 mins.

Next up - some google images searching for "women of the IDF"...
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