Supplying the IDF Gear for World War Z

If you haven't seen the trailer yet:

If you're familiar with Max Brooks' book there is a sequence that takes place in the Gaza Strip with zombie hordes encroaching on the IDF.

This sequence was filmed in Malta (Gaza is not ideal for that sort of thing right now) and we had a great time providing the costume and gear requirements for all the IDF soliders in the film. Here's a few snapshots from on-set.

We hope that our involvement will add a little bit more realism to the gear and loadouts of the soldiers in the film. But remember, they're still actors: so don't blame us when they shoot from the hip, never reload, and take 600 yard headshots using their Mepro21s! :p





And yes, that dude who was also in Fight Club was there hanging around:

We had a pretty good time with it! Have to say its cool to see a movie like this involving any army other than the American Army.

Here's a few more . . .




I was in Malta during some of that for a port visit, back in 2011. Neat to see. I was wandering around town and walked past the set. When I see the movie, I'm wondering if I'll be able to recognize the stuff I saw!

If I recall, it was in the vicinity of Moll iċ-Ċangaturi, correct?

Good thing they have lots of practice shooting from the top of walls. cou:

.... sorry, couldn't help it. lol :p
It appears the movie is nothing like the book. The book, which I highly recommend and I am not even a zombie kind of addict that some are, is a series of short stories. An oral history of the zombie wars. There is no "one" character, superhero like Brad Pitt. There is even one short story from Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan who come upon some Taliban undead in the mountains of Bora Bora. And the zombies are the slow walking dead type, not the I Am Legend superpower type that appears to be in this trailer. In fact the trailer makes it seem quite similar to that movie.

I heard awhile back there was a big fight over the rights to the movie. Looks like Brad Pitt came in and wrote a huge cheque to Max Brooks. He gets to keep the name and that will help sell tickets, but he probably has carte blanche to change the entire story as he sees fit.

World War Z would made an excellent TV series because the stories are all unique and would fit a nice 1hr time slot. Unfortunately with the Walking Dead I doubt there is room for another weekly show on zombies.
World War Z would made an excellent TV series because the stories are all unique and would fit a nice 1hr time slot. Unfortunately with the Walking Dead I doubt there is room for another weekly show on zombies.

I was just talking about this at lunch.

Too true. If anyone wants to read a zombie book that is a little less textbook and a lot more literature: Zone One is compelling as all get out.
Honestly the whole Zombie thing has reached heights of annoyance I never imagined, it should have been so played out by now and they never make a film where the Humans put the zombie mob down once and for all....
Crap. I got really excited when I saw the title of this thread. I thought I would finally get to trial the "zombie killer" on the undead. Alas, I must wait for the real apocalypse. I also want to see WWZ really bad.

Disclaimer: I don't really believe in a zombie apocalypse. It's just a bit of fun for me.
Crap. I got really excited when I saw the title of this thread. I thought I would finally get to trial the "zombie killer" on the undead. Alas, I must wait for the real apocalypse. I also want to see WWZ really bad.

Disclaimer: I don't really believe in a zombie apocalypse. It's just a bit of fun for me.

Whatever, I've met guys who will say with zero shame that they expect a zombie apocalypse to happen in their lifetime.

Ironically these guys never seem to have a firearms license, own a ton of swords & knives, and spend a lot of time playing videogames.
Great book...written well become the "zombie craze" was as big.

Sadly the movie seems to take nothing but the title from the book... :(
I have always wondered with all these zombie or contagion disease books/movies, what happens to the nuclear reactors? I mean if people are panicking and dying left/right/centre is some nuke worker going to stay on his shift or go home and protect his family? Ditto with soldiers. You cannot just turn reactors off - I think it takes years to wind them down.
There are close to 900 reactors world wide.
Forget the ammo, reloading tools, and canned food. It matters not. Chernobyl x 900 will fry you unless you live in Alaska maybe.

For the record I am not paranoid about this stuff. I actually jumped on a cheap ticket to SE Asia during the SARS scare of 2003. Boy that was one cheap vacation - almost had the plane to myself!
I've seen the trailers. I'm not impressed with the zombies/cgi.... I might "rent" it, but I'm not sure if its worth a movie ticket.
I wonder how a zombie, even recently dead, can move so fast?

hardly needs to be said. I think the book will be much better than the movie.
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