Glock recoil reduction system showed up FAST. Awesome service.


CGN frequent flyer
I ordered The glock recoil reduction system and a 1911 holster combo a week ago and the recoil reduction system showed up today. It shipped from Greece and took less than 7 business days. Awesome service and it fits perfect. Havent shot it yet but im hoping to try it out this weekend.

Thanks Zahal
Ill take the stock part and the new part and do a comparo. I only shoot cheap factory loads so there wont be alot of variation in the actual ammo.
Finally got out to test this recoil reduction setup. I installed in on my internally stock Glock 21. I first fired 20 round of blazer steel (or is it aluminum, whatever, its cheap) at a zombie target (only thing I had) at about 25 yards. 2 things came to light.

First, shooting a pistol accurately at 25 yards is really difficult. I thought i was a decent shot, and i am with 9mm... but this 45 is a whole different deal. Of the 20 rounds, maybe 5 hit the target at all with most of them being wildly off target all together.

Then I installed the recoil reduction setup and fired another 20 rounds. First, I think "recoil reduction" is the wrong description. My seat of the pants (so to speak) feeling was that the felt recoil was actually greater. HOWEVER... all other variable being equal, of the 20 rounds I fired WITH the reduction system installed ALL 20 hit the target and most were in the head area of the zombie dude I was shooting at. I took the same amount of time and was in the same position/stance/location... everything was the same.

I think a better description would be "accuracy improvement" system. Im very impressed and will be leaving this setup installed. Worth the 80 for sure. Thanks Zahal.
I don't know man. You may want to switch it out and test further, to eliminate the placebo effect. It looks like all you are getting is a heavier recoil spring, which doesn't really affect much. If it does what you say then cool, but I would test it further.

I have been shooting Glocks for 12 years and never had inacurracey like you describe (although I don't know your skill level) and 25 yds will show your shortcomings as a shooter.

I guess if it works for you then shoot on.
This was my 2nd time switching back and forth and im not a great shot, especially not with a 45. I was trying to do everything right and take each shot slow, careful aim and the difference in my ability to hit the target (I only shot at 25 yards becasue thats where my target stand is located) was vastly different. Ill keep switching back and forth and see what difference I see... my initial impression is very good.
Put 300 rounds through it the other day. No issues at all. Worked great and was extremely accurate. Didnt get a chance to switch back to the factory parts but this setup is working just fine.
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