Croatian HS VHS-2

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Some people can't let go of the past. I would expect quality is good. HS product builds the XD\XDM series for Springfield armoury.
Because he's not even a Canadian Citizen. Maybe all those guns are unrestricted for him but we live in Canada.

I am a canadian citizen. That a gun is prohibited, restricted or non restricted they are all the same for me they are guns. They putted many guns prohibited just cause they dont like the look of them...
sounds like a little more to it than that on your part, half of what you mentioned is prohib and most of the rest are not even available. most of these have no history at all ;) question is why do you care if i want this "croatian" firearm? does it have something to do with the Yugoslav flag in your avatar?

Well i dont like for what they did during second world war and the war of the yugo separation. First zastava made better quality guns than original manufacturer and second croatian made it wont be the same quality if it was Zastava making them.
Sounds like we have a bitter Serb in here.

Anyways, wikipedia says the Croats paid €1450 per unit for their military, so these things won't be cheap.
I never understood the carying handle idea on a 5.56mm rifle. You think that by now people realized it was a dead end. If they removed that carry handle, droped the rail straight on the receiver and put. The charging handle on the side, they could have had a much slicker design, and improved the high sight over bore isue.

Carryng handle on bullpup is not here for it's own sake.
Simply put, bullpup construction, with buttstock at the same height of the main rifle body, doesn't give you enougt space between shoulder and eye to put a conventional aim on it, so it need to have a elevated mounting for it. Building that in the form of a carryng handle is a smart manner to carve out something useful by a dire necessity.
Same work also for AR-15/m16 family that, although conventional are built in the same way than bullpup.
From what I've read, the magazine well is designed to be swapped out to take whatever mags you want. It doesn't look like that's changed. I've seen photos of the VHS with AR mags. If they're going to make a civvie variant, which they've said they will, I'm sure they'll keep that in mind.

does not look like it accepts ar mags. count me out....also will prob have a 3000$ price!
does not look like it accepts ar mags. count me out....

"The magwell can be replaced with a USGI M16 mag compatible magwell. Stock magwell is larger than its USGI counterpart. I tried feeding one and the USGI mag wobbles inside but the mag release snaps into place."


also will prob have a 3000$ price!

Probably correct on the price point...
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