i waited 4 long years for a T97


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
hi chris , those of us who waited all these years (you have my deposit) for a T97 are dancing in the streets to hear from NS this morning that the T97NSR was approved, i recall you saying that you will honour all the T97A orders with the T97NSR .

so my questions are , do we get first priority over the orders that were recently placed? do we have to call now or will you contact us , what do we do next ? thanks .

We finally have received word from the RCMP that our most recently sample of the T97NSR has been deemed a non restricted firearm and it has been officially classified as such.

Production on this model is already in progress, and should be in stores mid summer at this point. All those that have been on the fence, can now pre order in confidence.

Please note, if you are pre-ordering ensure you are ordering with a dealer that is selling the T97NSR, the T97A is still a prohibited firearm.

We at North Sylva are very excited to bring this long awaited bullpup to the Canadian market.


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Good question...I'd like to think my 3.5 year old preorder would still go through before someone who just placed one. (edit: Just looked on the website and I can still call up the order...so I suspect all is well).
I'm one of the guys who placed an order pretty late in the game. I sincerely hope that the original guys - those who stood with Chris through the thick and thin - get the first dibs on it! It's only fair and that would mean I'd be one of the last guys to be served lol
I'm one of the guys who placed an order pretty late in the game. I sincerely hope that the original guys - those who stood with Chris through the thick and thin - get the first dibs on it! It's only fair and that would mean I'd be one of the last guys to be served lol

I just placed my order today haha...

So this is going to work on the basis that they try to get as many guns as they can and some people may lose out in the end?
I have a pre-order in as well, Nov.11th 2008 to be exact. I would *assume* that the orders will be filled 'in order' with those early pre-orders being filled first...

It... Is... Gonna... Be... EPIC!!! :ar15:

I think the first question should be; Will CanadaAmmo be bringing in any type97nsr? This is North Silva's baby, CanadaAmmo's was sadly aborted. I have an order going back many years, heck, I have the T-shirt, but I have seen no official word from them regarding this current product, that is altogether different from the one they offered.
5440fight, from what I remember, paraphrasing of course, is that Chris said that as soon as a NR T97 was announced, CanadaAmmo would be carrying it... I'm sure Chris will be along shortly to fill us in. It is going to be EPIC!!!

My money is with can am as they are the ones thay
Made it happen in the first place.
Weather they have to buy from NS or direct. I'd like to see as many of the orders go to can am as possible
I think the big interest in CanAm and the T97 is the price. CanAm has already stated that they would sell for $849.00 if and when these rifles do come to market. If CanAm can sell for $150.00 cheaper than other retail dealers,great who cares how they do it.
I have a pre-order in as well, Nov.11th 2008 to be exact. Jay

im jan 28th, 2009 .

you deserve to get yours way before me (damn you, lol) , you been a true believer while i had my monents.

like the other poster , i assumed canaamo will get their NSR from NS .
My pre order on the T97 is one of the reasons I joined this site,lol. That sure was a looooooooooong time ago!
I WAS, # 24 or 25 if I remember correctly, way back in the summer of 08, and I emphasize was :(

Oh well, that's life, and hind sight's a b#!ch

Probably pick one up down the road
I think the big interest in CanAm and the T97 is the price. CanAm has already stated that they would sell for $849.00 if and when these rifles do come to market. If CanAm can sell for $150.00 cheaper than other retail dealers,great who cares how they do it.

And don't forget the free shipping :)
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