Thank you for the great service.

the sock

CGN Regular
May 16th I ordered a set of exotic wood grips. They arrived today and are installed. I had to do a little modification, but I expected that, as the grips were going on a Norinco and not A CZ. I have ordered a number of things from Marstar over the past few years. Restricted and non restricted firearms, parts and reloading supplies. All of my orders have been handled professionally and quickly. Frank has even called me to clarifly an order I placed. I have seen John be a little grumpy on here at times, but to tell you the truth I really don't blame him. I am probably the same age as John, or perhaps a bit older, and have dealt with the public for years. For those who complain about not getting instant gratification on orders, I can remember mail order, where it took months for your stuff to arrive. Thanks again John to you, and all your staff for a job well done.

We thank you for your support, it means a lot to our hard working and dedicated staff when a customer like yourself takes the time to drop us a line.

Thanks agian

Grumpy John
I can agree one hundred percent.
I phoned then placed an obtuse order that they could have really sent me everything I asked for and it would have been double the price and I wouldn't have needed (not that I knew at the time).
They didn't, just sent everything that I needed to fix my situation that I created and nothing more.... but I really frigging wished you had stripper clips in.
Ended up ebaying some and mail ordering some others blah blah :)

Marstar is my first stop and if they dont have it then there are exactly three other dealers on the forum I will go to. the others well they cant be bothered to answer an email :)


Thanks for the extra inclusion John ;)

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