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Thread: Info regarding KRISS FRT#

  1. #61
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer haha49's Avatar
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    Looks like gun sales will spike just as a screw you to them...

  2. #62
    CGN Regular Steyrtac's Avatar
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    Just got one today, and in Qc to boot!
    NR but took a night to get the transfer approved....
    Approved this morning, and now in my safe, paid a ####load of taxes... They accepted my taxes, they should respect our lawfully acquired propertys...

  3. #63
    CGN Regular Wanhope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sDot View Post
    I am getting very tired of the political climate here in Canada. I really think we just should split this country into two; stupid, and non liberal/socialist.
    The CPC is in power, and this is still happening. Maybe you need to adjust the blame a little right now, if only for this event.

  4. #64
    CGN Regular Wanhope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavmentsurfer View Post
    Heres a video to raise everyone spirits... this was in the US and when you handle and fire one like this, you realize just how different they really are:

    Holy ####, this is amazing.

  5. #65
    CGN Regular Shawn_Bevins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavmentsurfer View Post
    Heres a video to raise everyone spirits... this was in the US and when you handle and fire one like this, you realize just how different they really are:

    Sweet !
    Just another gunnie.

  6. #66
    CGN frequent flyer Siggy Stardust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeschurman View Post
    If you give someone any semi auto rifle and access to a machine shop it's a matter of time till they figure out a way to convert it to full auto. If this is what the RCMP is doing in their lab it's a matter of time till they prohib everything. Most honest gun owners don't have the skills or equiptment to do this nor do they even care to do so.

  7. #67
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Tuco Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x0ra View Post
    Would you really buy a firearm which is about to be confiscated ?
    Yes... Because if you are willing to allow your guns to be confiscated then you shouldn't continue to own any of them. Give them away or sell them very cheaply to people that will actually keep them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galt View Post
    The remaining NRs are going underground, since they don't know who owns them they are pissing in the wind, same for the Swiss Arms. If you "volunteer" to give your NR version up you may as well trade the rest of your guns for Bill Blairs camera. As has been said before, join the NFA and CSSA and donate so they can put crap like this to an end.
    Sadly, most Canadian Gun owners just roll over and take it. Thank you sir may I have another? If you volunteer to give up any gun, give up them all because we don't need those folks in the cause. Also, cannot depend on the NFA or CSSA for this, join them sure. You must decide if you are willing to give up your guns or not, regardless of consequence. Assert your right, keep your property, or just go away.

    Quote Originally Posted by nimrod#1 View Post
    Err,I'll sell you mine now,lol
    You can sell it to me for real cheap. If you're not willing to keep it and assert your right to own it, I'll do it for you, but not for free.

    Quote Originally Posted by pavmentsurfer View Post
    I joined the NFA and CSSA after reading about the Swiss Arms fiasco. Ive also committed to showing up at any rally or protest at queens park that is organized. Ill be there.
    How about organizing one and not just riding on the backs of those that always do the heavy lifting? Lead... Follow... or get out of the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by windage View Post
    Whats the point in having one if you can't go out and shoot it? Once it is prohibited, no one will be able to shoot it.
    That is their plan with ALL guns. You bought into it. Give them all up now, because if we don't "burn this house down" it will be all guns, sooner than later.

    Quote Originally Posted by haha49 View Post
    Looks like gun sales will spike just as a screw you to them...
    One can only hope. I know when Paul Martin said he would ban handguns, I bought like 8 the next day (4 for me and 4 for my Pa). But the majority of gun owners in Canada would roll over. If they know we will comply, there is no fear in them banning or reclassifying anything, when we publicly say we will comply. We need to publicly and loudly say "We will NOT comply, this is the line in the sand".

    Quote Originally Posted by Wanhope View Post
    The CPC is in power, and this is still happening. Maybe you need to adjust the blame a little right now, if only for this event.
    The Conservatives are in power for now, and not for much longer. Regardless of your stripe, they do not DESERVE to stay in. Whether we feel forced to keep them in power is another issue altogether, but in terms of deserve, they do not. The blame for what is happening right now lays squarely on the shoulders of Gun owners in Canada. Why you ask? Because we did NOTHING the first time any "anti-gun" type of thing happened under the Conservatives. People were like "they are our friends, they will do what is right by us". Wrong. Then the next issue came, then the next. We should have sent a strong and clear message the first time they went against our wishes. They need to be held to account and do many things before they actually DESERVE our vote again. Once again, it is deserve our vote, and not what we will do just because they are our only viable choice.

  8. #68
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wanhope View Post
    The CPC is in power, and this is still happening. Maybe you need to adjust the blame a little right now, if only for this event.
    Agreed. Those who gave this Harper gov't their majority are the ones that need to be holding the PM's feet to the fire. "Liberal socialists" (??), like apparently the OTHER 62% of us that DIDN'T vote for him? He isn't going to LISTEN to US anyway - so "you people" that supported this bozo - tell him to do stand up for gun owners across this land.

    IF he did, I might even consider voting for him. But if all the VZ's and everything else are gonna get grabbed anyway, I'd rather have the CPC out of office because they've got just about every other issue wrong IMO, from billion dollar fake lakes, to TV taxes, to thumbing their pinoccio noses at science - they SUCK.

    And if they can't even hold the line of gun ownership, the heck with 'em...

    We need another party. I don't like any of them.

  9. #69
    CGN Regular Matt_mg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baD mR fRosTy View Post
    Agreed. Those who gave this Harper gov't their majority are the ones that need to be holding the PM's feet to the fire. "Liberal socialists" (??), like apparently the OTHER 62% of us that DIDN'T vote for him? He isn't going to LISTEN to US anyway - so "you people" that supported this bozo - tell him to do stand up for gun owners across this land.

    IF he did, I might even consider voting for him. But if all the VZ's and everything else are gonna get grabbed anyway, I'd rather have the CPC out of office because they've got just about every other issue wrong IMO, from billion dollar fake lakes, to TV taxes, to thumbing their pinoccio noses at science - they SUCK.

    And if they can't even hold the line of gun ownership, the heck with 'em...

    We need another party. I don't like any of them.
    o_0 The RCMP is doing this with the laws in place, it's not a change in laws at all.

    If you were a member of your riding association you could apply pressure to change the direction of our best current federal party to make it our ideal federal party.

  10. #70
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    so it seems the fact that the FRT# was pulled came to light after a citizen tried to buy a Kriss Vector. He was informed his transfer was on hold because of that.

    Now, we have confirmation of people in this thread that bought one and got the transfer approved. Does this mean the situation is resolved?

    Please let us know.

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