Info regarding KRISS FRT#

Personally I think the RCMP may be tinkering with the vector and trying to make one FA (even if it requires drastic receiver changes and/or different parts)

If you give someone any semi auto rifle and access to a machine shop it's a matter of time till they figure out a way to convert it to full auto. If this is what the RCMP is doing in their lab it's a matter of time till they prohib everything. Most honest gun owners don't have the skills or equiptment to do this nor do they even care to do so.
If you give someone any semi auto rifle and access to a machine shop it's a matter of time till they figure out a way to convert it to full auto. If this is what the RCMP is doing in their lab it's a matter of time till they prohib everything. Most honest gun owners don't have the skills or equiptment to do this nor do they even care to do so.

If you give someone the raw materials and access to a machine shop it's a matter of time till they figure out a way to make a full auto from scratch. Guns just aren't that high technology.
Why has North Sylva suspended sales of a firearm not yet classified prohib?
Would you really buy a firearm which is about to be confiscated ? Moreover, the restricted version can no longer be transfered, and the non-registered version can no longer be registered in Quebec. This poses a serious problem for whoever buy a KV in Quebec. As they cannot be registered, they are made instant criminals (AFAIU).
How many are registered in Quebec or restricted? The remaining NRs are going underground, since they don't know who owns them they are pissing in the wind, same for the Swiss Arms. If you "volunteer" to give your NR version up you may as well trade the rest of your guns for Bill Blairs camera. As has been said before, join the NFA and CSSA and donate so they can put crap like this to an end.
This is ridiculous.

The RCMP appears to be systematically working to eliminate all semi-auto actions. They are trying to reclass the Swiss Green and Black rifles. Now this.

Is there something we can do about this? Seriously? I didn't spend my hard earned money for my property to be confiscated and to watch it burn because unelected bureaucrats arbitrarily decide that it is dangerous after they declared it safe.

ANYTHING can be made fully automatic given time, materials and effort. They made Pederson devices to convert bolt actions.

Punitive actions against law abiding firearms owners are not the solution. We are not a threat to the fabric of society - the nutjobs and the criminals that bring chaos and destruction are the problem.

This is madness.
I joined the NFA and CSSA after reading about the Swiss Arms fiasco. Ive also committed to showing up at any rally or protest at queens park that is organized. Ill be there.

Im looking for an NR Kriss right now and this isnt going to change anything. Im still going to buy one.
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