KCI Magazines Now In Stock!!!

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These magazines are not complete garbage! There are advertised for the VZ58 and CZ 858 that are built on Mill Spec receivers. The CSA guns use newly manufactured receivers and it would appear that the magazine well is slimmer.

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I don't know about some special ones (who can apparently type in a forum instead just to reach out to the Wolverinesupplies and talk with John or Brent!) But i got nothing but good things to say about Wolverinesupplies :) I've changed, modified, upgraded many items and they have been nothing but very helpful to me. I can stand beside them & vouch for their professionalism & clientele. Thanks again Wolverinesupplies for your quality products & outsanding service.
The only complaints I've had about the CZ858 magazines have come from a handful of VZ58 users whose rifles seem to have smaller magazine wells in them. I have not had one other person complain about the magazines and from the way they go out the door to repeat customers they can't be too bad.

The M14 mags work fine. If you have one that seems to have a sticky follower, just pop the bottom out and check if the spring is stuck on the dimpled section inside the mag, if it is, just use a screwdriver etc and flip it off the dimple. I've fixed a few mags that way and I know of customers who have as well. I've been using the KCI mags and they work as good as my old USGI mags and my Norc mags.

Thanks Obokash for the kind words. Everyone at the shops tries very hard to help our customers and provide the products AND service that they deserve.
They are not working in my CZ858, one mag is almost impossible to put 5th round in, when you get it in and put the mag in the gun. Everything stops, gun can't strip rounds from mag as they are so tight. I am thinking that they should have made the mag to hold 5.5 cartridges. Will be contacting the elves at Wolverine at see what needs to be done.
They are not working in my CZ858, one mag is almost impossible to put 5th round in, when you get it in and put the mag in the gun. Everything stops, gun can't strip rounds from mag as they are so tight. I am thinking that they should have made the mag to hold 5.5 cartridges. Will be contacting the elves at Wolverine at see what needs to be done.

Shoot an email to sales@wolverinesupplies.com and we will get it all fixed up for you.
So I just received two of the cz858 mags and it fits perfectly fine on my mil-spec rifle, in fact, it fits more snug than some surplus mags I have (imo a good thing) chambers and feeds reliably.

Its not all good though, as some others have mentioned, the mags I received had the dimple so high up that the mags only held approx. 4.8 rounds. Eventually, after forcing the final round into the mag, it now accepts 5 rounds albeit with a little force. This led me to believe that due to me forcing the 5th round in, I probably stripped some of the plastic off of the magazine catch on the back of the mag since the follower assembly is made of a polymer.

With 5 rounds in the mag, it'll go into the rifle fine when the bolt is in the closed position, but don't try to pull the bolt back in order to chamber a round because it won't work at all. The rounds won't move lower in the mag at all in order to provide clearance for the bolt. Basically, you'd have to make sure the bolt is open before you try to reload < this isn't much of a problem since the cz858/vz58 has a last round bolt hold open, but its still a nuisance.

Is there any way to pin it lower so that its limited to 5.5ish?
So I just received two of the cz858 mags and it fits perfectly fine on my mil-spec rifle, in fact, it fits more snug than some surplus mags I have (imo a good thing) chambers and feeds reliably.

Its not all good though, as some others have mentioned, the mags I received had the dimple so high up that the mags only held approx. 4.8 rounds. Eventually, after forcing the final round into the mag, it now accepts 5 rounds albeit with a little force. This led me to believe that due to me forcing the 5th round in, I probably stripped some of the plastic off of the magazine catch on the back of the mag since the follower assembly is made of a polymer.

With 5 rounds in the mag, it'll go into the rifle fine when the bolt is in the closed position, but don't try to pull the bolt back in order to chamber a round because it won't work at all. The rounds won't move lower in the mag at all in order to provide clearance for the bolt. Basically, you'd have to make sure the bolt is open before you try to reload < this isn't much of a problem since the cz858/vz58 has a last round bolt hold open, but its still a nuisance.

Is there any way to pin it lower so that its limited to 5.5ish?

Take the magazine apart and take the follower out. Take a flat file and remove a little, very little from the front and back "legs" on the follower, a little trial and error and you will be able to get a little over 5 rounds in the mag and it will insert with the bolt closed and still allow you to rack the bolt properly. remember that when doing something like this, less is more and check often because if you take off too much, well you know what the ramifications of that are.
I'm not sure how I'd be able to take the follower out of the magazine as it gets caught on the dimple. I removed the floor plate and the spring is sticking out but I don't know what to do next?

Take the magazine apart and take the follower out. Take a flat file and remove a little, very little from the front and back "legs" on the follower, a little trial and error and you will be able to get a little over 5 rounds in the mag and it will insert with the bolt closed and still allow you to rack the bolt properly. remember that when doing something like this, less is more and check often because if you take off too much, well you know what the ramifications of that are.
I use a small long bladed flat screwdriver to help flip the spring over the dimples, I've also used a chopstick too LOL. It helps when you are putting it back together as you can flip the springs over the dimples and get them set up so you don't have a loop caught on a dimple. It really is pretty easy.
I've herd Korea.

Any plans on a 5/20 ruger mini 14?
I have the KCI M14 mags. They needed a little fitting but work flawlessly now. I like how theres no rivet
I've herd Korea.

Any plans on a 5/20 ruger mini 14?
I have the KCI M14 mags. They needed a little fitting but work flawlessly now. I like how theres no rivet

At this point in time there won't be any mags for the Mini-14 in 5.56. I have been running the M14 mags and like you said a little tweak here and there and they have been working flawlessly.
I have found them really good. I just made sure the spring loops were over the dimples and on a couple I bent the back leg of the follower towards the middle just a hair. I little lube inside and they are good to go.
Does that approach work with the rivet that is used on the surplus VZ58 magazines? It would be nice to be able to clean them thoroughly.


The Glock 22 mags weren't much better. I sold them right after buying them. Wouldn't feed hollows or flat nose bullets.

I gambled and bought 1 KCI mag in .40 for my JR Carbine which takes Glock pistol magazines. This mag is garbage. Jam and failure to feed every other round. Mag sits too high, bolt tearing up the top of the mag. Don't buy this poorly made/designed product. Genuine Glock mags work perfectly in my JRC.

Wolverine is usually pretty good, I think they should reconsider carrying these horrible mags. I'm out $33.84 for a magazine that doesn't function properly.

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