Local Pickup

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Personally, I'm more than happy to hear stories of crappy service. Goodness knows I've seen enough myself at the gun room in waterloo or lovetts in kitchener. Won't deal with them either.

Interesting. I've usually had good service at The Gun Room. In fact I recall one slow day when I went in to buy a box of 9 mm and two salespeople spent a good half hour showing me all the variations of shotguns for sale, just for the fun of it. One senior salesman there still rues the day he sold me the finest Mauser C96 Broomhandle he had ever seen -- at a very reasonable price.

I've also found The Gun Centre (formerly Lovett's) to be acceptable for the most part, at least since the new owners took over. Under old man Lovett, you had to check your watch, your wallet, and the fillings in your teeth on the way out. He would smile and chat away and tell you he just kept up the business to stave off old age -- while charging above-new prices for worn-out used guns.
Next time I witness this type of behaviour from some of you(you know who you are), infractions will be issued. Or maybe a ban. Depends on my mood at the time.


I am visiting Ottawa this week, and I called you guys about local pickup. I was told unless I bought at least $1000 worth it wasn't worth the time. I know its not normal practice, but I've done local pickup a few times with you guys over the last few years.

It's unfortunate that my vacation to Ottawa doesn't include a rifle purchase :(

Who did you speak with ?? This is ridiculous....
It's yet another story of a gun shop with crappy service. What the hell are you talking about, we are not "a shop" as you put it.... We are mainly a warehousing operation here in Canada and for security reasons do not open to the the public.... We have explained numerous times that we will allow customers to pick up their orders by appointment, we have allowed this for almost 30 years....

What's bizarre isn't that they started a thread, it's that it's so commonplace that nobody seems to even care anymore, that people feel the correct response is to belittle the OP. When did crappy service not become an issue to other gun purchasers?
I assume that due to the fact you are offering a critique of our service that you have first hand knowledge or are you just jumping in ??

Personally, I'm more than happy to hear stories of crappy service. Goodness knows I've seen enough myself at the gun room in waterloo or lovetts in kitchener. Won't deal with them either.
Have you dealt with Marstar, if so what was your experience ?
Since the whole matter started here in full view of all concerned I feel that all readers should read the entire story.... Below is your PM to me with my replies (in bold)

I don't recall who I spoke with over the phone, younger guy, sound in his 20's or early 30's. Slow speaker. We have 10 people who answer phones here. But I have found out who spoke with you by reviewing call logs. It would help if you had given me your name.

I don't know, I've bought guns, ammo and random stuff from you guys over the last few years, and I know Gilles a little bit from the German WW2 reenacting. Thats how I come to find you guys was looking at K98 rifles. I sometimes shoot at Stittsville and I used to shoot at the outdoor range at kazabazua.

The guy on the phone didn't seem interested in selling anything to me at first.Perhaps there was a language gap here which led to some misunderstanding

Halfway through the call I mentioned I was interested in pickup up stuff for my dad and brother as well and the story completely changed.Our staff is ALWAYS ready to take and complete an order for a customer

He told me on the phone that unless I buy "a lot" of stuff, or at least 4 rifles it isn't worth his time to sell to me. He literally said that selling me a rifle would cost Marstar $4000 worth of his time.
If I may, what I understand is that you were explained that because of staffing issues that particular day** it was all but impossible for him to leave the call desk, however you could place your order and pick it up another day.

** that particular day we were unloading sensitive cargo and would not have been allowed to have you on the property, but then again we could not tell you that as it would have defeated the security aspect....

I did end up buying some stuff at Lebarons, but I am still looking for 7.62x39mm ammo and/or SKS rifles, Remington Mag extension,
Perhaps we were not perfectly clear and explain very clearly our pick up policy, as you know we are not open to the public, in an effort to accommodate clients we do allow pick ups that are scheduled well in advance.... NOT spontaneous orders for "immediate pick up.

I'm in town till tomorrow so if you wanted to work something out, let me know
It is not up to me, as I said, place your order and schedule a pick up.... Thanks.[/QUOTE]

It would still be nice if I knew with whom I am discussing matters
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