Mec-Gar 226 9mm mags


CGN frequent flyer
Fort McMurray
Hi John,
Any idea when the the 226 9 mm mags that where shipped wrong earlier this month will be coming in ?
thanks ( yes I have signed up for the stock update :) )
Pretty sure that you would sell a few hundreds quickly and that your network of dealers would order a ton
Nobody cares for checkmate mags and the 18rds baseplate is just pure ###y
Expect a drop in sale for the 10 rds plastic base mag
phosphate coated 15rds for me and my buddies... at least 3 mags each, I'd go for 5 myself. So between 9 and 15 mags here.
No love for the plastic base 10rds, full metal 10rds I can deal with, but 15rds phosphate coated win everytime, MK25 FTW!
If the quantity justifies it we can do that for you.... How many are we discussing here ??

Holy Crap John.

People are screaming for Mec-gar mags everywhere. And you can bring some in, but are worried about IF they will sell.

can't wait for Midway Canada to open
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