Mec-Gar 226 9mm mags

Holy Crap John.

People are screaming for Mec-gar mags everywhere. And you can bring some in, but are worried about IF they will sell. I asked a simple question, thats all.... I assume that all 2500 mags are presold so I can go ahead and order....

can't wait for Midway Canada to open Said like a true Canadian consumer, knock the Canadian company and support another....
there is tons on shelves of retailers in Calgary..And I just bought some from Wolverine. Don't see what the big deal is...
The reason people go to outside retailers is because they don't get the service from the ones they have. For example why is it ao hard to get mecgar mags? If you can get them why not stock them? Just saying.

He did mention that if you're interested in purchasing 2500 of them then he'll do it. Interest here shows 50 at best and it's a mixed bag.

**shrugs** Look if he thinks it's worth it to sell magazines he'll get them in one way or another. Doesn't sound like he wants to so whatever; it's his business.
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