Very disappointed.

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I say this respectfully Mr. C. but you were offered a price per firearm and chose to accept it, I fail to see how you can be upset with the transaction. The other option you seem to fail to realize is that the evaluations were fair and accurate and the firearms were exactly what the new purchasers were looking for and paid full and fair retail price which is what a lot of us have and will continue to do with our purchases. Not trying to stir anything up just voicing my thoughts.


I do hear you sir and if the items had of taken days/weeks to sell like most other used items in the store, then I would have begrudgingly accepted his evaluation. But less than a day? I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'. I just feel like something felt a little fishy to me.
Last time I needed a part it was a 45 minute drive and I phoned them asking if they actually had it in stock. Guy says he will look for it and call me back. 15 mins later I get a call and he says I have it in my hand so I ask him to set it aside and I would be there in 1 hour. I got his name and showed up. He had the part sitting right there along with a note to hold it for ME so no one else would sell it. Done right the first time and I will be back if I ever need anything else.
What do you mean no fault of his? It damn well is 100% his fault. Place responsibility where responsibility is due. I'm sure the company pays this employee to process customer orders and to know basic business processes, not to stand around and do nothing. Lets get real here. This employee is the front face of the company. His actions and inactions do directly effect the company.

Uhm, have you ever been to Epps?
I do hear you sir and if the items had of taken days/weeks to sell like most other used items in the store, then I would have begrudgingly accepted his evaluation. But less than a day? I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'. I just feel like something felt a little fishy to me.

If the items take more than a week to sell in the store A) the item is priced to high. B) it isnt the right season for that item.

If it sells within the day to 2 days later it is priced right. If it was to low. The customer would not have accepted the value.
I do hear you sir and if the items had of taken days/weeks to sell like most other used items in the store, then I would have begrudgingly accepted his evaluation. But less than a day? I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'. I just feel like something felt a little fishy to me.


Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending upon one's perspective on the matter) many of our used firearms do sell quite quickly, especially since we implemented the online ordering system through our website. It is not uncommon to have any firearm sold within mere minutes of it arriving in our store and being entered into inventory over our sales counter. Sometimes those sales are the result of good prices applied to the firearms in question, while other times it is simply a matter of the right person seeing the right item at the right time.

We assure you that we do not under-evaluate any firearm, regardless of whether the prospective buyer happens to be a customer off the street, a buyer using our website, or even one of our own staff members. All prices are offered in good faith, and are either agreed upon by the seller, who then leaves the gun at our store and accepts the cash or trade value offered, or declined by the seller, who then takes their merchandise back with them when they leave our store.

The fact that you agreed to the price offered for your firearm suggests that the price offered was a fair one. That the firearm sold as quickly as it did is a testament to our ability to market the firearm through various means, and of a customer who simply decided the deal offered on that particular item was too good to pass by.

There was nothing "fishy" about this or any other transaction made through our store. Just good timing on the selling end.
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