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It has been 10 days since I posted my request for information on the availability of Walther products with no response. According to North Sylva's sticky at the beginning of this thread they "will be more than happy to answer any questions about products and availability." the problem is, I'm still waiting for the courtesy of a reply from North Sylva......

Ya, here we don't expect dealers and suppliers to actually use the threads they have been given.

I know....why have them you ask ??? Good question.
They've created their forum here so they should answer request for info. I shouldn't have to phone them.
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I love how expecting an answer is considered out of the ordinary. Customer service these days is so bad people get pissed at you when you expect any different. I see no problem with the OP. You don't use the forum? Then why the hell do you have one?

Quite the pack of hypocrite's on here.

"Fight the government.....we need more freedom"
"join the CSSA and help fight the good fight"
"sign this petition to get rid of the CFO's"

Shhhhh........take it easy on our dealers.....we don't want to seem impatient. That order you paid for 6 months ago, you remember, the in-stock item you bought last year. I'm sure their just really will come soon. Now be a good Canadian and keep waiting (and please, stop emailing for updates)
I love how expecting an answer is considered out of the ordinary. Customer service these days is so bad people get pissed at you when you expect any different. I see no problem with the OP. You don't use the forum? Then why the hell do you have one?

x2 I'm involved with a number of industries as both a customer and a provider and I would have to say the Canadian Firearms Industry is the worst to deal with online, even though most of them would not have much of a business without the internet. There are some good ones though.
Crap... your calling my post crap??? They've created their forum here so they should answer request for info. Why should I have to phone them? NOT....

You have 2 legs, why not walk instead of drive or take bus??
You have hands and a mouth, why not pick up the phone and phone them??

They are a large distributor and not a retail store. They deal with mostly retailers and not customers.
It takes a couple days for them to respond any requests.
Crap... your calling my post crap??? They've created their forum here so they should answer request for info. Why should I have to phone them? NOT....

Perhaps because businesses typically conduct themselves that way.

Granted I'd expect an email response, but I can understand the volume of incoming they probably end up with; it can be a full time job just responding. A phone call is immediate and can't be put off for more important things.

Also, google search, filter Canadian results from the last 6 months.
One thing I failed to mention in all of these discussions is that NS really doesn't like people calling their offices for info, contrary to information provided here. They are a distributor who rather only deal with their business customers directly. They would rather we take our problems or questions to the dealer(s) we do business with who intern will contact NS if necessary. The forum here was set up to deal with those situation wherein they feel that their dealer(s) where unable to provide an answer for the information that we the customer requested. This information comes from my personal conversations with NS in the past. This is why I feel somewhat irritated with NS lack of response to my online queries.
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