M-305 & SKS special....

wow. chinese CQ at it's worst.

Wonder what the story is with the confusion on being required to return the SKS as well.




This is awful looking. There has to be one or 2 in every batch that may be defective or look hideous.
wow. chinese CQ at it's worst.

Wonder what the story is with the confusion on being required to return the SKS as well.

I repeat, we were out of 305s by then, the 305 and the SKS were purchased as a combo, need to be return as same.
They sold the cream first and kept the garbage for the last few buyers. Smart, in a diabolical kind of way.

I believe this is an unfair statement. Marstar doesn't need to play these games.

Marstar will find a way to make the OP happy. a free SKS or a discount on the new batch or something from inventory. The customer must be satisfied. Let us give John a chance.

They have always done right by me even when I was a little unreasonable
worst part would be you can't even get a replacement, and when the new ones come in they will be priced higher...
I repeat, we were out of 305s by then, the 305 and the SKS were purchased as a combo, need to be return as same.

I would appreciate it if you could look into it for me.

As it stands I was advised I have pay for extra shipping one way (the initial return), and the replacement M305 is still going to have the same hand/drill sanded finish on the receiver.

I was told it should be shipping back to me maybe tomorrow or probably this Friday. If the finish is not CNC I will be probably be returning the rifle a second time. To be honest, I would have not have purchased this rifle had I seen it in a store.

If you are out of M305's can you give me a rain cheque on the next batch that comes in? Not sure how this is going to get resolved at this point.

edit: Also can you clear up whether or not I should be charged for shipping both rifles back?
I did as I was told to do on the phone at the time, but the story changed after it was sent back, and I'm being charged for it anyways. Confused.

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I haven't had the chance to clean mine up yet but looking through the plastic (Using a flashlight) my receiver seems to look very similar :( Can anyone else who recently purchased an M305 confirm if theirs looks the same as cgnnut's???

Mine was definitely not as bad as the OP. However was not perfect, it's still a nice rifle all in all. Its within a degree or so of being perfectly indexed as best as I can see. Bolt is bearing on both lugs good. Sight is slightly off to right but that should be able to be fixed with a new flash hider, which I already have. OP rod had a bit of slack in it, but was fixed up once it popped the roll pin and peened the barrel, and lock tited the guide an re installed. New spring and spring guide is in route as we speak. Sights work but will be replaced in time as the are not GI spec. But are definitely better than old Norc sights. Gas lock is perfect, tightens at 4 o'clock and mallet it to 6. All in all a nice piece. :)
Got an email saying the replacement M305 shipped out Wednesday the 23rd, no tracking number provided.

I'm still out the $40 for shipping back the defective M305. Not getting any clarifications here, so it seems I will have to call, and argue about what their return/exchange shipping policy is as I keep getting two different stories.

Will post pics of the replacement when it arrives.
A friend of mine has one. Only issue he had, not sure if its all of the M305s, is that the muzzle break was welded to the gun. he had to get a gunsmith to get it off so he could install a compensator.
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