Wolverine Sale

Only catch, I made $4.70 an hour in 92. So it would take me a little over two weeks pay to buy those lugers or garands! What we need is yesterdays prices and todays wages. Anybody have a Deloreon and 1.1 gigawatts!!!
thx for sharing this blast from the past.... i remember .30 cents hamburgers at mcdonalds... my first 870 remington costed me about 275 $ now its twice that price...
thx for sharing this blast from the past.... i remember .30 cents hamburgers at mcdonalds... my first 870 remington costed me about 275 $ now its twice that price...

Not to outdo you, but I remember when the ads said you could get a Big Mac, a hamburger, fries, drink and a hot apple pie and get change from $1. The first McDonalds I went to was in Regina around 1968. Around then a bottle of Coke went up to 15¢ and I was bitter.

I am going to try and post up the 1995 sale sheet this evening so I can toss that one too. That is, unless John wants them for mementos.
I found a copy of the 1964-65 S.I.R. Sports catalog in my grandmother's basement oh-so-many years ago. People from Winnipeg and Manitoba may remember Sydney I. Robinson Sporting Goods.

How about a brand spankin' new Cooey model 60, delivered to your door, for $26.50?

Or a Winchester 94 Carbine in 30-30 or .32 special for only $99.75?

Would you plunk down $220 for a FN semi auto in .308? Spare mags for only $3.50 each!

Dirty Harry's Colt Model 29 .44 Mag for $204.50 (Please include Form 44 easily obtained from your local police department.) :)
I see this thread has resurfaced, which reminds me that I never posted the other set of sale sheets I have from Dec of 1995. Happier times just before the real schit hit the fan.

The $385 Inglis hipower kind of pales to the $40 enfield revolvers. Dollar for dollar they would have been a better investment. I remember seeing the deactivated DSHK that is listed on the sheet at the Brandon show that year. The thing was huge.....or maybe I was just a lot younger then. I wouldn't think twice at $950 these days.

With that, I can finally let these sheets reside into the trash can.
Why is that valmet hunter listed as restricted?

And oh my, so many fn fal's.

The Valmet is still restricted. If you read the OIC, it specifically exempts the Valmet from being considered an AK-47 variant.

64. The firearm of the design commonly known as the AK-47 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it except for the Valmet Hunter, the Valmet Hunter Auto and the Valmet M78 rifles,

Just re-read the most recently posted one. The PPSH being on there makes me yearn for the past more than anything else on these. Except maybe the Thompsons.
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