CZ 858 update

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Please do not read to much into this I said: "they sent three samples to the RCMP for examination who informed CBSA that they are prohibited"

I really hope the RCMP found these to be prohibited because of a barrel length issue, thus not affecting the whole CZ 858 family. Some people only have non-restricted PAL's and own CZ's and VZ's.
Whew - glad I ditched all my restricted 858's when I read the first thread...

I'm going to guess the non-res 858's in country are going to be safe - even if the RC's prohibit them, I can't see how they plan to come after them - I didn't keep any record of the 4 I sold over the past 5 years and it's a lot of warrants to issue to search the bank records, ISP's, e-mail accounts, and servers of businesses and individuals who may have bought/sold them.
But that's just it! How will people know they have a newly-restricted rifle in their safe when they don't check these forums! It's just insane. We all need to get answers as to the real status of the CZ858...ssems like the VZ-58 has fallen free from all this....or has it?![/QUOT

PLEASE DO NOT READ TO MUCH INTO THIS! Three samples were examined, they and the rest of the two shipments have been returned to CZ, NO FIREARMS FROM THESE SHIPMENTS REMAIN IN CANADA.

The RCPM examined and approved the CZ 858 before we sold the first ones in Canada.
If the classification changes for the rifles already in Canada, they won't be restricted, they will be prohibited. As in confiscation.


I stand corrected Mark, thank you. It could just be that they shipped the rifles with un-pinned magazines and, because the mags were in the same box as the rifles, the whole thing is deemed prohibited....we have to look at this from the RCMP's point of view; the most ridiculous and absurd reasoning.
The CSA Vz 58 is not the subject of this thread. Let's not have another thread derail into speculation hell, let's stick with the facts.

What about the restricted CZ858 Tactical's and CZH2003 Sports?

Weren't the CZ858-2/4's built on the same receiver with the only difference in classification being the barrel length? (I really don't know).

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I don't think we need to panic just yet. From what John has said it seems like this only affects the last two shipments of rifles.

I am worried what this might mean in the future, but right now we shouldn't assume the worst.
I don't think we need to panic just yet. From what John has said it seems like this only affects the last two shipments of rifles.

I am worried what this might mean in the future, but right now we shouldn't assume the worst.

Opps, double post. Lousy cell phone. Please delete.
Guess it's time to hid the old girl away at the cottage for a bit...

I can sell you a really nice piece of PVC pipe....

I do hope the CZ's make it back into the country, especially if there was just some sort of screw up with this order. Looks like I may have to try out a CSA.
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