Possible new gun!!


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There is a very good chance i will be buying a Chinese Military SKS 'Type 56' Semi-Auto Rifle from Marstar very soon! Any thoughts on the gun?
You feed it ammo, it goes bang and if the operator does their job the target is hit. A decent cheap plinker , don't add $400 in TAPCO garbage and don't expect sub MOA accuracy and you won't be disappointed.
Buy it, they are a pretty decent place to start for around 200 bucks. Pretty reliable fun and cheap to shoot just make sure to clean it properly if you load up on corrosive ammo (assume everything surplus and cheap is corrosive if you are unsure. ) Clean it well, get to know your rifle and how it works and you won't be disappointed .
That was my first gun too. Read up on cleaning cosmoline and don't listen to anyone bashing you for upgrading YOUR gun to suit YOUR style. I learned a ton of inexpensive lessons with my first, cheap SKS. My buddy still hunts with it a few times a year and has taken 3 deer with it. Not bad for $200
I have both russian and Chinese. They both shoot the same and the are both reliable. The fit and finish of the russian ones are a bit better but you generally pay a little more for it.
Chinese SKS is a good gun, I actually prefer it to my Russian one (it feels better to me). I would recommend the ammo deal that goes with it, 360$ for a rifle and 1440 rds of ammo can't be beat. Cleaning the corrosive ammo isn't difficult just run the parts under hot water. Like others have said don't expect extreme accuracy, its designed to hit a man sized target reasonably well within 300M. You may want to get stripper clips with the gun though (makes loading a lot quicker). Other than that have fun. A point to be made is if you buy the extra aftermarket stocks and such don't expect any return out of them, they won't make much difference but if you do remember to keep the original parts as well.
Have fun
I got the Marstar SKS deal with CASE and T-SHIRT for $199.00. Very little cosmo when I cleaned it and it is new un issued and has the spike bayonete.I think the stocks on the Russian ones are better tho.
it's a tough gun at a low price that you don't have to worry about banging around... just keep it clean! (especially making sure that the bolt/firing pin doesn't get gunked up... otherwise you'll get an unpleasant surprise)
Dang it, saw the title on my mobile and figured Marstar had something new and awesome. OP - for a 75 buck add on you can't go wrong.
I have a Yugo, Russian and 2 Chinese from Marstar. They all go bang. the Russian looks the nicest the Yugo isnt chrome lined so I never use surplus in it. The Chinese is $75 so I dont care about shooting surplus through it. It is also as accurate as the others.

My recommendation buy the combo from Marstar have fun shooting cheap surplus ammo and then throw it out when it is all worn out. Mine has 3000 rounds through it and it istill shoots straight or as as good as the SKSs do anyway
I recently bought a russian sks just to shoot a crate of ammo I had laying around, and for some reason, I just don't really have fun shooting it... It's boring.
I recently bought a russian sks just to shoot a crate of ammo I had laying around, and for some reason, I just don't really have fun shooting it... It's boring.

You are not making sense they are all the same gun the only difference is fit and finish. if you didnt have fun with the Russian you will not have fun with the Chinese.
You are not making sense they are all the same gun the only difference is fit and finish. if you didnt have fun with the Russian you will not have fun with the Chinese.

pretty sure hes not talking about the country of origin, but of the rifle itself and I agree the SKS is Kinda of a boring rifle
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