Possible new gun!!

I bought one just for the fun of it, and refinished the stock.
Took a week but had alot of fun.
Cleaning the cosmoline is a pain though, a real pain.
it all depends on what you want- every owner has an opinion. SKS is a crowd pleaser and a gun you don't have to worry about someone being hard on it. when you take someone out who is not an avid shooter, or maybe completely new to it. usually they like the SKS a lot. its easy to operate, goes bang every time, its rugged exterior, has some history - and if you shoot it a bit, and don't much like it, you're not out to much as they are cheap. plus if you just want to drain some rounds, with the price of surplus Ammo it's pretty hard to beat in my opinion. it is probably my least favorite gun I own in a lot of way, yet it still offers things my other ones dont.
I completely agree with Tribal, the Sks is a rifle you will quickly put aside but its also one you will probably never sell
I own two of each make and it pains me to say....the Chinese was made to much better tolerances from a machining point of view... The surface finishes and fit of the parts were much closer to each other than the Russian originals. There are a few nice little improvements done to the chinese sks. Chrome lined barrel is a big one for most of the ammo available being corrosive. You can actually take some of the chinese ones apart and see that they have done hardness tests on the various parts and i did not see any on the russian ones. (that may just be the ones i own though) The era in which each was produces also plays a big part in the quality of the machined parts.(the russian ones looked as if they had been scraped or broached on the reciever cover. The chinese ones have a nice finish and beter coating) I could go on with all the differences but i am a bit short on time.

Chinese = better quality and less over all care and many improvments over the russian.

Russian = nice rifle from history and shoots just as good as any other sks...given its taken care of.

This is all a matter of opinion though...I am a machinist of 7 years and am brutally picky as i have precision measurment equipment at my disposal...and it kind of comes with what i do on a daily basis. :)

I would buy a chinese over a russian for these reasons. Great rifle from what i have received.
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They're good fun, cheap, reliable, and a good time, also you can buy lots and do neat things with them, make a lamp, they make great Christmas gifts, table legs. Also you can shoot them at stuff
Its a great first rifle and for the money I think better than some of the negative comments here would lead an outsider to believe.

If you arent short, think about getting a rubber buttpad extender cause the LOP is really short.
I also recommend buying surplus ammo on stripper clips, and getting some good CLP like frog lube cause it smells good and works decent - and you will use it after every session.
Spend time on the forums cause all your future questions are answered there.

And it you want to get a new stock or put a peep sight on it go for it. The argument that because its cheap you shouldn't customize it is really silly. If you get a nice Russian you will probably want to keep it stock. But the Chinese are cheap and reliable and if you want to make it more functional for yourself by adding a stock or sights go for it. Just remember it will never be an AR and the money you spend on the SKS mods might come in handy for buying your next rifle, like a VZ58 or a CZ 527 for example.
It is a cheap chineese gun and normally I'd jump at the opportunity to bash norinco, but in this case it so cheap you can't. For the price its a hell of a buy. Buy one and shoot the hell out of it, then if you don't feel like cleaning it just buy another one!
I quite enjoy my Russian SKS. I'd like to grab a Chinese one from Marstar with one of their fancy M305 and SKS or CQA and SKS deals in the future.
Plinking with the SKS is a lot of fun for the price when you want to feel a kick that's bigger than a .22lr but won't hurt your wallet all that much.
I say go for it!
Nothin wrong with Chinese...heck even the "american" brands have been, on occasion outsourced.
Do they make collectibles: no, are they the prettiest or smoothest again no. But they work they go bang (and thats half the fun right there for the price of a crappy tire pellet gun) and especially as others have said "miltary model not civilian". :) I have three...love em all 1 russian and two asians. Hunting, plinking, poking, lil bit a history and a club for when you're out of ammo...a very rugged utility tool and alot of fun for the money.

You won't be dissapointed! (As long as you don't expect miracles)
And as far as if/when you ever decide going tacticool, do whatever you want how you want with YOUR new toy it's yours to learn with and theres a wealth of parts, info etc out there.
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It is a cheap chineese gun and normally I'd jump at the opportunity to bash norinco, but in this case it so cheap you can't. For the price its a hell of a buy. Buy one and shoot the hell out of it, then if you don't feel like cleaning it just buy another one!

What has Norinco to do with these rifles ?

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