The New Website is up!!

Google scanned our old website 2 hours before the new 1 went on line. Our IT guys have contacted Google and we have a clean bill of health now.
Please let us know if there is any problem seen.

Same URL just different website from the ground up and a different host.
Get this at work

Trend Micro OfficeScan Event

URL Blocked

The URL that you are attempting to access is a potential security risk. Trend Micro OfficeScan has blocked this URL in keeping with network security policy.


Risk Level: Risk level cannot be displayed because active scripting is disabled. Dangerous Highly suspicious Suspicious Untested

Details: Verified fraud page or threat source Suspected fraud page or threat source Associated with spam or possibly compromised Rating in progress. Trend Micro Web Reputation is currently set to block pages that have not been checked for safety.
Nice looking website!

Keep in mind if a site has a virus or a false positive (or even a valid positive), some virus scanners can put it into the "black-list" category and keep turning up false positives until the virus scanner pattern file gets updated.

If they had an issue on the old website, the new one would get flagged by most virus programs JUST with the black list file. Weather they have an issue or not.

No issues with ESET Smart Security currently though :D
I do a lot of my ordering at work, lol.

I can no longer access your website from work anymore which is unfortunate.
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