Non-restricted registration

According to the Sureté du Québec website, all firearms are to be registered in Québec. When you call the Canadian Firearm Office, they mention that even though the long gun register is gone, they will still register long gun from Québec residants until Stephen wins against Pauline :p

I'd say give a call to the Quebec's firearms office or Sureté du Québec to be in the clear, because in Quebec, more than any provinces I think, they prefer the law abiding citizen unarmed.
THE registry in Miramichi will NOT register long guns from dealers outside Quebec....get your facts straight
1. If you live in Quebec and purchase a non-restricted from outside of Quebec you are still required to register the gun. This is a Quebec requirement. Since there is no transfer to be registered the seller does not need to contact the registrar. The buyer (in Quebec) has to call and initiate the registration. The RCMP is still performing this service

2. If you live outside of Quebec and buy a non-restricted from a private individual inside of Quebec then you do not need to register the weapon. The seller will have to contact the RCMP and tell them that the weapon has been sold to an individual outside of Quebec and to cancel the registration. The buyer has no obligation.
1. If you live in Quebec and purchase a non-restricted from outside of Quebec you are still required to register the gun. This is a Quebec requirement. Since there is no transfer to be registered the seller does not need to contact the registrar. The buyer (in Quebec) has to call and initiate the registration. The RCMP is still performing this service

A Québec requirement that is legally binding? Please provide reference to the federal or Québec law that is being contravened if a Québec citizen does not register their non-restricted firearm.
Quebec resident here, I just called this afternoon the CFP to ask if Quebec residents buying from outside retailers or individuals still have an OBLIGATION to register their non-restricted guns because the POSSIBILITY to do so does not make it and obligation. They transferred me to the Quebec CFO office.

Answer is: you can register on a voluntary basis which they strongly recommend reason was given actually, but you are not obliged to and they say since they are no more laws or injunctions in place to sanction you if you don't, there is nothing a cop could do against it.

Of course cops not knowing their gun laws are plenty and the possibility they would go beyond what they legally can do exists, which is trouble even if you are cleared from any wrongdoing in the end.

In my opinion, the fact they still accept registrations is more politics than legal while the supreme court is pending.

Hope this clarifies, don't believe me? call them and post the answer here if its different, it would be interesting to see...
1. If you live in Quebec and purchase a non-restricted from outside of Quebec you are still required to register the gun. This is a Quebec requirement. Since there is no transfer to be registered the seller does not need to contact the registrar. The buyer (in Quebec) has to call and initiate the registration. The RCMP is still performing this service

Who pays RCMP for registration? Quebec? Or RCMP is wasting the money from the budget?
Quebec resident here, I just called this afternoon the CFP to ask if Quebec residents buying from outside retailers or individuals still have an OBLIGATION to register their non-restricted guns because the POSSIBILITY to do so does not make it and obligation. They transferred me to the Quebec CFO office.

Answer is: you can register on a voluntary basis which they strongly recommend reason was given actually, but you are not obliged to and they say since they are no more laws or injunctions in place to sanction you if you don't, there is nothing a cop could do against it.

Of course cops not knowing their gun laws are plenty and the possibility they would go beyond what they legally can do exists, which is trouble even if you are cleared from any wrongdoing in the end.

In my opinion, the fact they still accept registrations is more politics than legal while the supreme court is pending.

Hope this clarifies, don't believe me? call them and post the answer here if its different, it would be interesting to see...

Just what I was saying a the beginning, thank you :p

I sure hope Quebec doesnt get its own gun registry, that would be the beginning of the end for Quebec own gun control crazyness
Of course if you buy a gun within Quebec you have to register it before leaving the store. Ran into a old fellow recently that had 75 guns that he never registered period. he phoned the SQ even to find out what to do with them. He got no answer from anybody on what to do. So he sold them to another fellow.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH his RESPONCE. ? :rolleyes:

If you don't know what is wrong then you never worked customer service and no one can explain it to you on this thread.

No one speaks to a customer or a potential customer in such a way especially on a public forum except for Marstar. The only reason they get away with it is because they bring us the products we want at a good price and the service is excellent.
If you don't know what is wrong then you never worked customer service and no one can explain it to you on this thread.

No one speaks to a customer or a potential customer in such a way especially on a public forum except for Marstar. The only reason they get away with it is because they bring us the products we want at a good price and the service is excellent.

You didn't' get it
John is like 80 years are allowed to be short and to the point when you are that age :)
On a side note, there is still an amnesty in place by the feds, for un-registered long guns....Quebec is useless and there is no need to register anything. Let them fund their own registry.
I didn't say we had to, but they will still register long gun if you go thru the procedures. Why would you do that is beyond my understanding though, but you can still do it and it is mentionned when you call the CFO's office.

Another "quebec" thing that will make me happy to move. How's Ontario doing with firearms ? I always see it referred as "bantario"
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