Unofficial Question: Would you join a "Marstar Monthly/Quarterly Ammo Club"?

why pay shipping monthly or quarterly ....just buy more less often??
What might be better for those with smaller monthly budgets is
a) save up then buy more in one go
b) layaway
perhaps you would be kind enough to offer us a few solutions to the very slow supply provided by various factories ?


Generally speaking; The answer to that question is to find more suppliers.

The same way that if you don't have something in stock, I find it somewhere else.
If they would ever establish something like this, would you sign up?

With respect to Marstar and all other reputable dealers, no I would not.

I have a fundamental problem with outlaying payment for services and products neither rendered or delivered. The gamble and promise of a payoff is often disappointing.

I much prefer to find the best product and price available when I'm ready to make a purchase.

A good experience, and that doesn't always have to mean the absolute rock-bottom lowest price, guarantees that I'll be a repeat customer.
...remember .303 British ball at $99.00/1000 ??

John [/B]

I would rack up every credit card I owned if I could find pretty much ANY ammo for deals like that (obviously .22 excluded). That would be the only reason I would buy a Tokarev Pistol, it's one of the few calibers that approach that price point. For now I can only shoot the old Enfield sparingly at $1.15 per trigger pull
Generally speaking; The answer to that question is to find more suppliers.

The same way that if you don't have something in stock, I find it somewhere else.

I appreciate your detailed suggestion, " find more suppliers.", in the case of the CQa and the M-305 only one factory makes them in China, or do you know of another ??

What you don't seem to understand is when we receive a few thousand rifles or pistols from a given producer we then send them out to the various distributors and wholesale outlets.... They in turn provide them to the dealer who then may sell them to you.... So Marstar may find itself sold out while others may have the item it all depends where they are in the supply chain
I would rack up every credit card I owned if I could find pretty much ANY ammo for deals like that (obviously .22 excluded). That would be the only reason I would buy a Tokarev Pistol, it's one of the few calibers that approach that price point. For now I can only shoot the old Enfield sparingly at $1.15 per trigger pull

That may change soon
I am trying to figure out how they control the PAL situation each month. They would have to check every shipment to make sure your still legal and if your not so inform or just ignore.That and I can see someone dieing during the month and the SO getting a bunch of ammo and a bill showing up at his or her door.That and holidays.
Just buy a million rounds and budget your shooting each month instead.
Shipping fees charged by Marstar would make such a club cost prohibitive. However, if Marstar can absorb shipping and ship quarterly instead of monthly this may make more sense.

edit The absorption of shipping fees can be considered as no marketing or sales effort is needed for every shipment as they are automatic. end edit

I usually use more 9X19 and 22 more than anything else which would exclude me as a potential customer unless Marstar would start stocking these 2 calibers. I am not saying I don't use up any other caliber but these would be the 2 calibers that I would be interested in above anything else as part of any club subscription.

The other problem I see is Marstar maintaining stocks to cover its obligations because as a member I wouldn't be interested in the excuse that suppliers are late shipping stocks. It would be Marstar's responsibility to find and deliver the product (same similar or of superior quality) to my door no excuses.

Moreover, product pricing must make sense. If we are able to find the same product for less at competitors then why even subscribe to the club. It would make absolute no sense. Clubs provide services at a better price to its members that they cant find elsewhere. It would make no sense to become a member if prices and products offered at the club can easily be found at any competitor.

Marstar always has a problem maintaining stocks and product continuity hence the out of stock of the majority of their advertised product line which forces most of us to shop elsewhere.

If Marstar can address the issues raised above in a satisfactory way then by all means they will find enough members to make this club a success.
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