GSG 110rd Drum


Near SJ, NB
What happened? I followed that thread for 2 years hoping you'd eventually get these and now I just noticed that another site sponsor has them listed in the EE and your thread is locked??
I replied with a link to the EE ad but apparently we're being censored and my whole post was deleted...

I am just really curious why after that 2 year thread of Blue Line promising us these drums and everyone eventually giving up hope, suddenly some shop I've never even heard of before is selling them? I have to wonder if they didn't meet Blue Line's standards and they decided not to bring them in?
Hello All,

We have been working very closely with our lawyers and GSG on this matter. GSG has produced the Canadian Model of GSG's Ruger 10/22 Rifle Rotary Magazine specifically for the Canadian Market, having in mind the exact Canadian Legal Requirements. Unlike any other models of this magazine which were produced for other markets, the Canadian model of this magazine has been designed, manufactured, and tested exclusively for the Ruger 10/22 rifle only. It is marked on the packaging and on the magazine itself, "Canadian Model". Blue Line will be importing and supporting the Canadian Model of the drum magazine only. We have samples which should be here to test very shortly. We will be importing the Canadian Models starting right after this.

There have been some delays in the magazine coming to Canada as the RCMP have raised questions to its legality. We have had our lawyer working on this and we apologize for the unforeseen delays. We at Blue Line are simply trying to bring high quality and reliable new products to the Canadian market which we can support 100%. We would rather see some delays in development to be able to stand behind what we offer for sale.

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Different magazines which were designed, manufactured and tested to different specifications to meet Canadian Legal requirements. We are also the official importer of GSG products in Canada so the Canadian Model will be warrantied by GSG.

so what is the diff between the ones for sale at the other sponsers page, and the Canadian marked ones?
Different magazines which were designed, manufactured and tested to different specifications to meet Canadian Legal requirements. We are also the official importer of GSG products in Canada so the Canadian Model will be warrantied by GSG.

You aren't answering the question.

What is different physically, how does it meet requirements where the others do not?
I am answering the questions with all of the information which I have been provided. I do not have the specific physical differences from GSG, I simply know that our lawyer working with GSG has produced these specifically for Canada and these will be the only versions being officially imported from GSG. This means that only the Canadian version will be covered by any warranty in Canada.

Best regards,

You aren't answering the question.

What is different physically, how does it meet requirements where the others do not?
Here are some images.


And here's the manual.

hmmmm strange, looks exactly like the one I just bought, same pics, same everything EXCEPT yours has the Canadian flag and says
made for the Canadian market. as there is SUPOSED to be no mag limit with rimfire, I don't understand what the diff would be from this mag to one ment for the rest of the world? I must be missing something?
Hey Guys,
Lets keep this on topic. The GSG Ruger 10/22 Canadian Model Rifle Magazine will be available soon and more information will be released as soon as it is available.

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