Our Gilboa Rifles

I have never seen or heard about this 7.62x39. It's cool that it takes AK mags. Is this a gas piston or DI design? Can we get some pics of the bolt face and lugs?
Any hope of seeing this in Canada?
I have never seen or heard about this 7.62x39. It's cool that it takes AK mags. Is this a gas piston or DI design? Can we get some pics of the bolt face and lugs?
Any hope of seeing this in Canada?

Piston ;)

thread resurrection...are there Gilboa's in 7.62x39 here in canada and who's got them or where are we at? still waiting or prohibited?
thread resurrection...are there Gilboa's in 7.62x39 here in canada and who's got them or where are we at? still waiting or prohibited?

A few definitely came into the country and were restricted as AR variants. But its unclear whether Gilboa has an active Canadian importer right now...
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