More M-305's?


New member
i see you recently sold out of m-305's. i was unable to puchase one before you sold out. wondering when/ if marstar is going to be getting more?

thank you for your time
i see you recently sold out of m-305's. i was unable to puchase one before you sold out. wondering when/ if marstar is going to be getting more?

thank you for your time

Sorry about that, we only had one container....
More due in Lat Dec or early Jan 2014.... AT the new higher price
what kinda of a ball park for mark up are we talking?

John is very smart about not posting prices until the said item is in stock at the store. Judging by previous posts he has made, he has been burned by customers saying "Well 6 months ago you said it would be X dollars and now you are selling it for Y" therefor he waits until all the final bills are paid before being able to say what the price point will be
John is very smart about not posting prices until the said item is in stock at the store. Judging by previous posts he has made, he has been burned by customers saying "Well 6 months ago you said it would be X dollars and now you are selling it for Y" therefor he waits until all the final bills are paid before being able to say what the price point will be

Thank you for understanding

The factory has increased our cost by a little more than $100. per rifle.
Chinese currency is up a bit, Canadian dollar is down a bit
Ocean going shipping is up by about 20%
I would GUESS that you can expect a retail price in the area of $599.

Please understand this is a guesstimate, NOT firm, subject to many variables, NOT final..... But certainly not double as suggested as in rumors we have heard

One should remember that until Marstar entered the market these rifles were selling for $799. $899. and up.... We decided to buy in volume and get the price down

No increases to speak of for ten years....
There's another thread floating around saying it will be likely double the current cost...and that's from a sponsoring business member
There's another thread floating around saying it will be likely double the current cost...and that's from a sponsoring business member

I cannot speak to that, we have long ago signed our contract....
The cost depends on the volume purchased and the contract negotiated.... After all there is only one factory in China which makes them....
In short, double the cost seems a bit high to me....
Even if they were double the cost (unlikely), they would still be half the price of a Springfield armoury m-1a,
I know they are Chinese clones but I'm a Canadian, and the "made in the USA" stamp isn't worth 1000$ to me
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