Cheytac Rifle shipment just in. Save $3,000.00!

I really really really wish the Cheytac came in something more common..... like 30-06 or .308 or even .338 Lapua Magnum....Those calibers are just strange and as awesome as they are, I guess it goes with the name and price tag too.

Why? They are purpose built ELR machines, and not good ones at that. The .375 and .408 Cheytac cartridges are great for ELR work. But if you are shooting 2,500 yards and in, there are cheaper and better options available.

Much better options available in those calibers.

*Edit - wow this thread is old.
To be clear:

We will NEVER bring in Cheytac products again. Ever... period....

I will not get into it, but we got raped pretty bad by those folks and will not do business with them again. #metoo

If you want a Cheytac made product please look elsewhere.

To be clear:

We will NEVER bring in Cheytac products again. Ever... period....

I will not get into it, but we got raped pretty bad by those folks and will not do business with them again. #metoo

If you want a Cheytac made product please look elsewhere.


I laughed way to hard at this. Not laughing at you, but with you...
To be clear:

We will NEVER bring in Cheytac products again. Ever... period....

I will not get into it, but we got raped pretty bad by those folks and will not do business with them again. #metoo

If you want a Cheytac made product please look elsewhere.


I'm sorry to hear that .
The punishment is gonna be " I will not buy "
A businessman attitude ,no matter how I love that.

I'm gonna invest my money on Tac 50 then.

Thanks a lot for your service.
The M200, I could see being $16,000. But the M300 is just a barreled action in a Cadex Chassis or an Ashbury Precision Ordnance Chassis(depending on the model). Not worth anywhere near that price point. I could see why they didn't do well in Canada. But at the same time if you're really hard up for the M200, you could just buy a Wind Runner for a third the price and fashion a forearm onto it. From what I read, it's the same action.
The M200, I could see being $16,000. But the M300 is just a barreled action in a Cadex Chassis or an Ashbury Precision Ordnance Chassis(depending on the model). Not worth anywhere near that price point. I could see why they didn't do well in Canada. But at the same time if you're really hard up for the M200, you could just buy a Wind Runner for a third the price and fashion a forearm onto it. From what I read, it's the same action.

I agree. We ordered and paid for M200 rifles, but they shipped us M300 rifles and shrugged their collective shoulders when we complained.

It hurt a lot when I had to refund deposits on the M200's and again when I had to eat soooooo much just to get rid of the rifles.

So they rip you off BASICALLY, That is Bull#### how Some Business is done in America.
At the Moment, the only way to get a Cheytac M200 in the US is Deposit 50% AND wait for a year.
That is Still BULL#### how these people do Business.
I've always kind of played with the idea of one day getting an M200. Thanks to what I just read, I don't think I ever will. That sort of business will go to Cadax or PGW. These guys can go eat a ######
Fuucking right man, I put my money in Canadian manufacture, Cadex and Pgw is a great choice.
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