AK-74 video

It's a shame that we cant own them. Wish i was born in the 58's.... cause in 1976 full auto weapons for collection were prohibited....
It would be more helpful to show a detailed video of the deactivated guns.

Everyone would like to know exactly how they look up close.
Actually, Marstar's shooting videos are pretty decent. I could watch that one a few times over and don't have to hear blathering like other vids.
Of course. All AK variants are. I don't really see why we're talking about this, or about 5.45x39 supply in Canada. This is pointless.

There are those in canada that would like a supply of 5.45x39. The xcr has been chambered in it, and the Interarms spbar will be if approved.

Do the guns come first, or the ammo?
How about some detailed photos of the DEACTIVATED AK-74, you know, the ones we can actually own?
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