Surplus Garands from South Korea

Yes I will post pictures and will describe them to clients like I usually do for SKS or Mosin. Surplus is very tricky business you screw up once and people will never come back to you. Where is new Rugger 10/22 is still going to be Rugger 10/22 if it comes from Nova Scotia or from Alberta
But IF they do come in, and it is through Westrifle. We will get to see what they look like before laying OUR money down. Just like TEC. Maybe better, Sergey and the boys take multiple angles of many of the guns. That's all I'm saying. Till that day comes, just throw out a number you'd be willing to work with so they can decide whether or not they'd like to invest a few wheelbarrows full of cash in this.
Cheers! Workday's over! Here at least.
I like how it is developing. Usa was willing to buy as it and we in Canada want them in perfect shape.

Well - perfect shape or dirt cheap. Just like I'll buy any decent looking Mosin I find for under $150, whether I need it or not, there's probably a price point somewhere that I'll buy more than 1 Garand at, because it's affordable and I know I'd be able to get my money out of it in the short term if I had to.

I guess it depends whether you envision these as a high margin seller or a high volume seller. If it's sight-unseen by us, then it's one or the other. But if you go through the effort of grading them properly you can have your cake and eat it to, like with your $180 vs $300+ Mosins.

BTW - don't forget the en blocs ;)
ill be waiting and watching with enticement :D if there selling for 1500 in the ee surely they wont be 500 even if there used..... just my 2 cents either way i am interested.... we will see what the future brings as it slips by....... wathcing your thread carefully now though regardless......

Agreed. I'd personally be looking for 2 rifles, a shooter and a beauty. Very excited to get my hands on my very own M1 Garand. I've almost spent $1800 on two occasions lately. Now I will patiently wait for a better price. Cant wait!!!
190k rilfes??? that is a huge amount (if you had to purchase all of them) & would definitely flood the Canadian Market. I think the price would have to reflect condition. If prices were similar to the CMP prices in the US for an equal quality rifle I don't think you would have trouble selling them. If you can't inspect the rifles before purchasing them, it is somewhat of a crap shoot. I don't know too much about the firearms business, but I do know how other business's work, time value of money, finances tied up in inventory etc, etc.

I'd personally be willing to pay $500 or less for a shooter grade rifle & $1000 to $1200 for a super nice, numbers matching rifle. Although lower prices are always appreciated! Although as someone else pointed out, you probably don't want this to end up like the RC K98's.

Best of luck & I hope to see these available for sale shortly!!
Rusted up parts salvage,sub $150.
Shooter grade $400-500, meaning beat up and mismatched #s, yet serviceable.
Collectors grade, many different deffinitions but same basic criteria. Matching #s, nice stock, rust free and maybe a few pieces of original kit, anywhere from $700-900. Add another $100 for hand picked. Everybody seems to have 1-3 sks', hopefully you could do the same with the M1
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