Cz 858-2

Oh god here we go again. No proof of that, it's all speculation at this point is it not?
nope. 2 shipments seized from the importer by cbsa, and my personal gun went from NR to prohib. The RCMP do not seem to be acting publicly yet, other than changing the FRT. My guess is it will be a PR nightmare, and $$$
Simple I spend half the year in Quebec so I register all my rifles so I have the blue slip that says NR on its as cops in Quebec don't know s@$% about firearms. after losing an afternoon arguing with a cop that a jw2000 was not a prohib I rather just register them now.
Last time i looked ( about a month and a half ago) there where 5 frt listings for 858's, the 858-2, 858-2p, 858-2v, 858-4p and 858 4v. At the time 3 of those where listed as prohibited (i cant remember if they where listed as converted auto or full auto) one was restricted (barrel length) and one was non restricted. Not sure if that has changed in the last little while.
Last time i looked ( about a month and a half ago) there where 5 frt listings for 858's, the 858-2, 858-2p, 858-2v, 858-4p and 858 4v. At the time 3 of those where listed as prohibited (i cant remember if they where listed as converted auto or full auto) one was restricted (barrel length) and one was non restricted. Not sure if that has changed in the last little while.

How and where can frt numbers be checked? Or do dealers only have access to check frt numbers?
From the RCMP site:

Use of the Firearms Reference Table web service is limited to individuals who have been authorized by the RCMP. Authorized users include members of the police community, specific Public Agents and approved firearm verifiers.
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So should I panic-buy a CZ now or what? The confusions and misinformation here is disconcerting when it deals with such a serious topic
If the rcmp sporatically seize these guns at say traffic stops or what have you, can they avoid the the massive costs of a one time buy back?
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