Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors -Manitoba

hey guys

hey guys I am new here , and live in the winnipeg area, I am looking for a place to shoot. I have read about a few ranges and clubs but I am unsure of some of the hours. or how to get a membership , the winnipeg revolver range is very close to to whare I am located. I dont have anything special just a marlin 925R .22 lr a pointing in the right direction would be awesome

- regards Dave
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I was wondering if there was a way to find some place to go plinking nearish town as in less than an hr drive away I would love take the wife out for the first time with my .22lr and she is very intimidated by the idea of going to a range her first time as well all the ranges close to me dont allow guests as far as I know but I havent check with SGAF yet but I still have to go there to check out membership stuff.

regards dave from winnipeg
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Hi everybody! I'm new to the group, from the Dauphin area. I am very interested in doing some long range shooting if there is anyone willing to help me out. Like most hunters, I imagine, my 300 yd and under game is good, but I have a new, much more capable rifle now and am very interested in exploring its, and my outer limits. Finding a place to shoot 800 - 1000 yds with a safe back stop or the likes is herder than I imagined. Any one know what the facilities are like at the Brandon range? Or any where close to Dauphin?
Nothing in the Brandon area to shoot past 200M unless you come out to the Shilo Battle of the Bulge shoot in late Nov/early Dec, which is usually on King OP in Shilo. 3000M is possible there if you are capable....
Gunasaurus, what's the story on the Shilo Battle of the Bulge shoot? Open to the public? What kind of format do they follow? 3000M??? I might feel a little under endowed with a .300...Love to give 'er a try at half that though! And a chance to see anyone firing something at that kinda distance! I'd love to hear more about it.
It is a milsurp shoot that the Shilo Gun Club sets up, and it isw open to the public. We usually set it up to 400M maximum, but the range it is set up on (military field firing range) is capable of handling 25mm from the LAV III. You can see out to 4000M, so if you had a rifle capable of that distance, technically, you could shoot it there. Watch the MB Events post for info on it in Oct/Nov timeframe. We've had guys with .50's (bolt guns of course) there in the past.
I always end up there shooting alone at -30c this last winter.... get my car stuck in that bloody sheet of ice they call a road.
I'm new here on the forum and am just recently trying to get back into firearms and shooting. I used to go shoot gophers, plinking, and such all the time when I was growing up on the farm back home but since I've been a city slicker haven't much in the last 5 years. I'm trying to find a place to take the cfsc so I can apply for my PAL but seems lots of place fill up quick. So far I've contacted the Winnipeg Pistol and Revolver Assocation but I missed getting in for there end of March course and would have to wait to try get in again for the April one. I probably could challenge the course but my girlfriend also wants to get hers so I figured it would be nice to take it together. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere else I could take the course and write the test?, preferably sooner than April haha
Contact the manitoba wildlife people. they usually run a course every month or two months depending on interest.
I'd like a mentor I recently picked up a mini 14 t and could use some help with my groups, scope set-up, learning my hold overs.
Hey guys.....I just bought my new .22 today and I'm wondering if you guys could help a girl out. I'm wondering if anyone knows about target practice on crown land. Gravel pits....ect....I want to join the Selkirk game and fish but I can not wait that long to try out my new rifle. I'm in the Teulon area if anyone has any knowledge of that area. Or if anyone knows of a range that does drop in with out a membership. Thanks
Hey guys.....I just bought my new .22 today and I'm wondering if you guys could help a girl out. I'm wondering if anyone knows about target practice on crown land. Gravel pits....ect....I want to join the Selkirk game and fish but I can not wait that long to try out my new rifle. I'm in the Teulon area if anyone has any knowledge of that area. Or if anyone knows of a range that does drop in with out a membership. Thanks
Hi interlakegrl,
Assuming your .22LR is non restricted you can shoot it pretty much anywhere you want out in the country if you have land, or permission to be on someone elses private land.

Just make sure you are not shooting towards a road, houses etc.. Crown land is also a great place to shoot, and you don't need permission from anyone. Gravel pits you have to be a bit more careful because they usually have equiptment in them, and are owned by a company. Last time I was shooting with a friend in a gravel pit, a guy in a truck came and talked to us and just wanted to make sure we were being responsible, because apparently people go to those places all the time and vandalize things. Because of that, I don't think we will be going back there because it would suck to have someone elses bullet holes, or other damage blamed on you.

If you are just shooting non restricted I wouldn't bother joining selkirk game and fish. Its only $50 for a membership to the rifle range but when there is more than a few people there things move kind of slow. Since its almost an hour away for you, I would save your gas money and membership money and buy ammo instead and just plink in a field outside Tuelon. That said, if you really want to join selkirk, you can just drive there and drop a check/application form for the membership in the box and keep shooting there until they mail it to you. You can find the membership form HERE

Best of luck with your new hobby.

take care

If I recall correctly, you should be able to take Highway 17 north past Sandridge, there's a whole lot of WMA's up there. It's all Crown land. The only problem with it is it can be a bit of a hassle since there are no benches and no range markers, but if you just want to do some plinking with old 2-liter bottles or cans or whatever it'll be just fine. I did it yesterday in fact, I just went south of Winnipeg instead. Just remember to tread lightly and bring a garbage bag to pack out the remains of your targets!

EDIT: wear your blaze orange on Crown land as well, there may be hunters out there already. Especially right now, since it's Turkey season.
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