Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors -Ontario


I am a newbie in the Hamilton area, PAL/RPAL pending, looking to get into pistol shooting. Is there anybody in Hamilton or a nearby area willing to help me get started?
Any female mentors out there?


I'm a newbie in the Burlington area looking for a mentor, preferably female, to show me the ropes after my student requirements have been satisfied at BRRC.

hi there, I just have 1 kinda stupid question. I recently ran out of cleaning patches for my mosin nagant. I felt that because I have not been using it a lot lately, I should run some extra oil down the barrel to keep it in good shape. Instead of getting more cleaning patches, I cut up a new disposable cloth (the white ones with the blue stripes, relatively strong) and ran some oil down with that. I am worried that any left over fibres might not be good for the barrel. Did I make a big mistake? is it ok as long as I clean it when im ready to use it again with solvent and proper cleaning patches? Thank you for any help!

Your good to go! Just give it a good swabbing out (clean and dry) before your next outing!! ;)
Have you introduced yourself yet in the Greetings area yet?
If not, welcome to the boards!! :D

I am a newbie in the Hamilton area, PAL/RPAL pending, looking to get into pistol shooting. Is there anybody in Hamilton or a nearby area willing to help me get started?

Try posting this in the "Greeting/Intro" forum, it gets more viewing!
Welcome to the boards! :D


I'm a newbie in the Burlington area looking for a mentor, preferably female, to show me the ropes after my student requirements have been satisfied at BRRC.


Hi Dammer! Like my suggestion to Flight85, try and introduction in the greetings forum.
That aside, my wife is a shooter, but we're up here in the Kitchener/Waterloo area. If you ever feel like making the drive, let me know and I can get something set up at our club (Cobly).
Welcome to the boards!! :D
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Hey OntGunner,

Thanks so much for the offer. Unfortunately, being a working mom with two young kids I don't have the luxury of time. But I will keep you guys in mind if I ever trip across a day all to myself.

I too will take you advice and write up an intro in the greetings forum

Take care :)
Hey OntGunner,

Thanks so much for the offer. Unfortunately, being a working mom with two young kids I don't have the luxury of time. But I will keep you guys in mind if I ever trip across a day all to myself.

I too will take you advice and write up an intro in the greetings forum

Take care :)

take the kids shooting they will have a ball
Hi there, I'm sort of new to pistol shooting in the way that I would like to try before I buy ;) I have small hands & its hard for me to find hand guns that I can reach the slide/mag release. I am interested in trying any & all semi auto handguns. I most likely will be purchasing a 9mm due to ammo costs but I am also considering a .40 deppending on whats out there. I belong to Colby pistol club & Bridgeport Rod & Gun. I would be willing to purchase ammo or re-emburse for ammo used. I also have a 1300 deffender shotgun with pistol grip if any mentors would like to try out the speed pump on an endangered species


thanks in advance. :redface:
Hi All,
My brothers friend is on here all the time. He told me to come on here because there are alot of knowledgeable people on here. Seeing as though I am new to this I have decided to start off in the newbie zone. Where would it be best to start asking questions about different cartridges, loads, and what grain of bullet for what application? If someone could let me know that would be great! Thanks

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Hi All,
My brothers friend is on here all the time. He told me to come on here because there are alot of knowledgeable people on here. Seeing as though I am new to this I have decided to start off in the newbie zone. Where would it be best to start asking questions about different cartridges, loads, and what grain of bullet for what application? If someone could let me know that would be great! Thanks


check out the reloadng section and feel free to ask away.remember the only stupid question is the one that was never asked
Kingston Noob

Kingston noobie here. never fired a gun in my life but am interested in getting my PAL rstircted as I would like to start target shooting with pistols. Its a lot of work and money just to get into something I might not even enjoy (doubt that though lol) but would like to find someone interested in showing me the ropes and letting me fire off a few rounds.:D
Hey I am new to shooting I have my PAL. All the clubs safety courses are full until the new year I have never shot a firearm I do own a few tho. I am just going crazy I think I have called every club in driving distance. I am 19 student/security guard. Any one out there got any advice as to how I can get out there and start punching paper.
"Originally Posted by gth
Looking for one Newbie waterfowler with minumum 3 dozen full body GHG goose decoys, layout blinds, retriever, spare Extrema and an enclosed trailer.....

Seriously....if there is anyone in North Bay that want to get out hunting I' m game for pretty much anything."

Im in North Bay, Im new to the whole guns and hunting thig, but I know my way around, Ill show you where to go
if you show me how! I've got the bush chickens down to a science, I went Moose, Deer, Duck and goose hunting this year, I might as well have been hunting skunks there! Im always looking for people to go with though.

Im also a member at the NRRC gun club, if you want to go fire off a fwe rounds.

Hey there, I'm a newbie on a three week christmas break (between semesters). I'm planning on doing the CFSC non-restricted and restricted exams this winter and am looking for someone who could introduce me to the world of guns (as I've only ever shot a bolt action rifle). I'm 18 years old, very enthusiastic, and not voting liberal :). I wouldn't have any problem paying for ammo, and am most interested in shooting either a 1911, Glock, Sig, HK (the p7m8 is my dream, but chances of ever getting to try one before I buy one are slim), or a CZ, but hell, I'd be happy with anything that goes boom :D

EDIT: I am located in the heart of Toronto by the way
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