Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors -Ontario

Howdy !

Looking for anyone in the Burlington, Waterdown, Hamilton area that would be willing to help out a newbie in the sport.

I just completed my PAL & R/PAL courses and passed both tests with flying colours according to my instructor. I was wondering if anybody in the Brampton/Mississauga region wouldnt mind taking a new shooter out to learn about some shooting and firearm operation basics. My previous experience was being a member of the rifle team in Air Cadets with .22's almost 10 years ago. Mainly would like to try a few different firearms so I can make a good choice when it comes time to buy my own.

I dont really see myself purchasing a firearm until probably summer as I still have to wait for all the paperwork to go through and would like to get all the safety equipment (ear/eye protection, trigger locks, proper storage & transportation cases) before I make a firearm purchase.

So please pm me or email at jhaynes8043@hotmail. com

I will also be more than glad to pay for ammo as well. In the meantime I'm reading and researching as much as I can.

getting started

i have my pal for both restricted and non, i am looking for a mentor who could give me a few lessons for rifle and pistol shooting, and assist in finding and then joining a shooting club which would allow me to fire shotguns, centerfire rifles (270 win), and pistols.
I have searched the internet and gone to some clubs but none so far have a rifle range.
thanks for any help
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Hello everyone, I'm looking for a member of the East Elgin Sportsmen's Association who has time available on a couple of Sundays in late January, or February, to show a complete noob how to shoot.

I've got my club membership sorted (I think - they took my money, and sent me a newsletter...) and I should take delivery of my rifle in the next couple weeks (cz 453 varmint in .22lr)

I'm pretty sure that I can figure out how to shoot the gun (point downrange, pull trigger, wait for bang... :O) but I'm just as sure that I'd benefit from someone showing me everything else (how to properly zero the scope, range regulations/etiquette, rifle cleaning, etc...)

If anyone has the time and inclination to help this noob out I'd appreciate it! (I'll even throw in pre/post shooting Tim's - a rich offer, I know, but like many getting into the shooting sports, funds are limited... :O)

Thank you,
~ Ian
Looking for someone no more then an hour or so away from Burlington to go shooting with. I will be taking my pal/rpal late January, however would like to get some shooting in before then, possibly even discover the first firearm i would like to purchase.

Hey everyone, just getting into shooting sports. Im going to be taking the PAL test (I believe the pal test is also used for minors firearms license, or so ive been told.) for my Minors Firearm License. Just me and my mom looking for some range fun. In the Barrie area.
Hi, greetings to any1 who is reading this, I am new to this sport and just got my pal/rpal last Dec, haven't figured out what to do with it. I learned some basic shooting when I was a kid but has long forgotten since I joined the workforce. I'd like to have someone more experienced to show me around in the shooting range. like club manners, regulations. I live in north of the GTA, so aurora, Vaughan, Stouffville, Gormley, Markham are all very convenient for me. btw, if you guys know any places close to these area (ie, lass than half hour driving?) that I can do some plinkings in the weekends with my 10/22 for practicing that would be great also.
Help I need a range?somebody willing to teach a newbie

I recently recieved a restricted and non restricted PAL. I made arrangement with a range (I do not want to smear there name) to try some revolvers out so I could get a feel of what I might by. Unfortunately on arrival at the range all they had to shoot was a 44 revolver and, after shooting 3 bullets I wanted to go home and shred my restricted license (way, way, way, to power full for me).
I also had the opportunity to shoot a ruger 10/22 rifle and it jammed a hand full of times shooting 50 rounds, I had always wanted to by a 10/22 until then.
Does any one no of a range that is interested in educating newbies in riimfire rifles and revolvers in or around the GTA

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Hey ! Im new to the forum and would like to say hello !

my pal and restricted is currently being processed. Im interested in target shooting with an ar-15 are there any clubs ranges in my area or someone who can guide me in the right direction. I live in woodbridge, Ontario by Canada's wonderland.

thanks in advance guys and girls !!
Hello I am a 27 year old from Windsor Ontario. I don't have any family that likes to hunt but I would like to. I have fired .22s and shotguns in boy scouts but that's about it. I'm looking to get a .22 but really don't know what I should be looking for. So if you want to talk on msn or meet up talk guns or fire a few rounds let me know.
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