Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors - Quebec

Not sure of your new location but on Island of Montreal there are only 3 ranges that I know of and they are all indoors, Piont Claire rifle > you can only shoot .22 rifle or pistol, There is CTVSP that is only pistols or CRAFM which you can shoot long rifle and pistol in almost every caliber not CRAFM will be closed for about a month or so do to a cieling calapse and water damage. They should be reopening in about a months time. Any other help needed just ask.
thanks a lot. i may give a call to crafm. will take the course first.
You also mention you do not have a car, and if I remember my Canadian/Quebec firearm law you are not allowed to bring a firearm on public transportation. Especially if its a restricted firearm example Pistol or AR 15.
You also mention you do not have a car, and if I remember my Canadian/Quebec firearm law you are not allowed to bring a firearm on public transportation. Especially if its a restricted firearm example Pistol or AR 15.
my friend told me that montreal may take few months for the pal. so after months may have a car......
I set myself up on this site several months ago. All I want to do is buy and sell pistols and revolvers. I do on several other sites
but never have I seen such a complicated site. This is to the detriment of both sellers and buyers.

no club provide the english firearm safety course in montreal till to may。。。。。。。。 any information and help? really want get the license asap。。。。。。thanks
is possible take the course from ottawa? and than tranfer to montreal?
What you can do is study the books and just challenge the exam. I did that with my restricted license. You just need to find a place where they will do that. I called the Pointe Claire rifle club and I believe I spoke with Tim and he guided me to an instructor named Pat (don't remember his last name) You can find the books online at the books restricted and non restricted are on the left of the page. Once you pass the exams you need to become a member of a shooting club and pass the Law 9 course plus the clubs safety course. Then you can buy your restricted firearm. Your non restricted firearm you can buy once you get your non restrictive license. Just remember when applying for your license you need to have 3 people that you've know for 3 years and I believe they need to be Canadian to confirm who you are, plus if you have a wife or girlfriend that you live with, they need to call them and get there approval as well. With my restricted license it took about 6 months. If you need any other help just ask.
thanks ....but the weird thing is the ctvsp told me i cant direct to take the exam.......they told me the instructor left for vacation that back till may........the crafm no more provide the course.....other club no english course...... cant find available schedule on ............................6 month???? wow
Well you have to understand Canadian laws are very strict compared the US, but less strict compare to the UK. It is what it is and if you want a firearm you have to go through the long procedure. Call the Pointe claire clubs as it's an pretty much English, and see what they can do, but there is no way to get around the wait. You can just challenge the exam but you need the instructor to give you the test.
Hey Guys I have to admit I wasn't much of a gun guy but after a trip to vegas and a chance to shoot an AK-47 and a Dessert Eagle 50 I find myself hoked. I'm thinking of getting my license but I'm not sure if it worth it for me. I Don't drive, don't hunt but i love shooting at targets. What would you recommend for me to start here in montreal? I've been eyeballing the Norinco M305 as a cheap first gun but living in montreal would have no where to shoot it.
Before any firearm can be bought you need to go through the saftey courses and application for a firearm license. The only shooting range on the Island of Montreal that you can shoot a rifle is but keep in mind that it's a indoor range and the futherest you can shoot is 75 meters. Also this is problably the only place where you can store your firearm as if you don't have a car you are not allowed to take public transportation with a firearm. The choice of a firearm is really up to the type of shooting you want to do. If your looking for percision and long distance the norinco would not be a good choice. To start I would suggest a .22lr or .17HMR .223 7.62x39 calibers for cheap shooting that won't break the bank and you can have lots of fun. Anything else your looking for a hunting rifle which is not made for shoot hundreds of rounds in one day, plus they have a 1500 round limit before the barrel is finished. The other caliber barrels are usally able to handle a higher rate of shooting within a day or a long period of time. An SKS is a good first rifle where the rifle is cheap and so is the ammo. Hope this helps

Hey Guys I have to admit I wasn't much of a gun guy but after a trip to vegas and a chance to shoot an AK-47 and a Dessert Eagle 50 I find myself hoked. I'm thinking of getting my license but I'm not sure if it worth it for me. I Don't drive, don't hunt but i love shooting at targets. What would you recommend for me to start here in montreal? I've been eyeballing the Norinco M305 as a cheap first gun but living in montreal would have no where to shoot it.
Bonjour a tous, je suis nouveau sur le forum et j'aimerais avoir une petite information. J'ai fait mon cours sur la loi 9 hier au CTM et j'aimerais, si possible essayer quelques armes avant d'acheter, toujours si possible. Si un mentor pourrait m'initier je suis tres ouvert. Je suis meilleur a écouter qu'a parler ;) J'hésite entre un beretta 92 fs, S&W MP9 et le traditionnel Glock 17, mais je suis ouvert a tout autres suggestion. Au debut je regardais pour un 1911, mais le prix des armes et munitions étant plus elevé, je pense que ca ira pour un achat ultérieur. Est ce possible d'essayer ces armes au CTM? Je ne me suis pas abbonné au CTM étant de la rive sud et beaucoup plus proche du club a st jean sur richelieu. Je mentionne aussi que je suis bilingue et et apprécierais beaucoup les conseils de chacuns. Merci et au plaisir!
Just about to go pay CTVSP a visit. Hoping I can get information/validation on obtaining all the required permits to join a club.

If a mentor is open to initiate me at CTVSP or CRAFM I'd appreciate the education and a chance to get some hands on before the license courses and exams.

PM me please.

PS. I'm bilingual :) and my schedule is quite flexible

Thank you
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Just about to go pay CTVSP a visit. Hoping I can get information/validation on obtaining all the required permits to join a club.

If a mentor is open to initiate me at CTVSP or CRAFM I'd appreciate the education and a chance to get some hands on before the license courses and exams.

PM me please.

PS. I'm bilingual :) and my schedule is quite flexible

Thank you

From what I hear, stick with CRAFM, much better range. I am waiting on my pal/rpal applications to go through but then I am in the same boat. I want to learn how the maintenance of a gun and get some help as I am inexperienced.
Bonjour à tous! Je suis nouveau et passera mon CCSMAF le 27 avril prochain ! Bien content d'avoir trouvé le forum il y a tellement d'infos intéressantes!
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