First time Baikal 442 at 25 ' open range - Thank you TeaPot2


CGN Regular
I got well used Baikal 442 and went to the range today . I never shoot Makarov handgun before ever when I was in Rissian military ( AK only ) . Silverdale gun club , windy 20 - 30 km/h NW morning with no sun at
9.00 am .3 groups x 5 shoots , sit but no rest position( hands in the air ) . I'm experienced shooter bun not really good one . I think my result is not bad at all for such a small gun and 9 x 18 , 95 gr ammo .
And remember - it was my very first time shooting this gun .
To be honest my rest groping was worst . I have 2 more target with 3 x 15 rounds but first one was better then next ( cold barrel maybe ?)
Thank you TeaPot2 for bringing this guns in .Bring more - I will buy new one for sure but single stack please and 9 x 18 .
Happy and safe shooting everyone !!!
Thanks for the report, Ostrof - just purchased one myself in backwards fashion: purchase, then research :redface:. looking forward to getting mine out on the range as well!

In my view, at 25 ft, that's actually pretty good! :).

Thanks again!
My .380 shoots really well. Much tighter groups. The trigger sucks, but I got used to it. They are neat little pistols.
I have a Soviet makarov (9x18) which is snappy to shoot (due to it's blowback action) but is very accurate. I was able to place/win with that pistol numerous times in my local service pistol league.

Shoot it from a sandbag rest at standard range--I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for the information/commentary. I have been considering getting one of these, but didn't really know if they were worthwhile.
I have handled demonstration units at a gun show last year. I thought the 8 round single stack version was more in keeping with tradition. Primarily I like to stick to original designs for the.... historical feel, I guess? It is also nice to know that they shoot well enough that I will enjoy using them.

Thank you for the help!
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