Disappointed with Customer Service

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Right you are... But YOU need to get the car to the dealer and I'm pretty sure they won't be giving you a gas card.

I can't speak to the dealer in questions warranty policy. I just think its silly that guys expect them to pay shipping. Walmart isn't going to send you a taxi if you want to return a pack of depends.

Actually, they will send the tow truck out to get it if it's dead. My experience when it isn't and you have to drive it there, they'll throw free services and whatnot at you to make up for it. Nice try though. Customers should never have to pay twice for anything when no fault is theirs.
Right you are... But YOU need to get the car to the dealer and I'm pretty sure they won't be giving you a gas card.

I can't speak to the dealer in questions warranty policy. I just think its silly that guys expect them to pay shipping. Walmart isn't going to send you a taxi if you want to return a pack of depends.

Really? My motorcycle was at my house dead because of manufacturers recall, and I made arrangements with the dealership to come pick it up for free. I think most car dealers are the same way. Perhaps you have not bought any high priced items?

If you buy something that has a manufacturer defect, the manufacturer or dealer should be taking care of you. If your standards are low enough to let them walk on you, it's your loss.
I sent an email to this company enquiring about a couple pistols ($1500 price range each) my friend and I were interested in, with an eye on a long rifle down the road.

The email I got in response was probably one of the rudest, don't give a ####, responses I have ever had from a company. I couldn't believe a company would treat someone interested in a $3000+ deal so rudely. I asked some shooters around my work about them and their opinion of this company was allt he same. I'm not sure what their problem is but they must make a hell of a product not to worry about customer opinion like that.
Good to know and happy to be made aware about rubbish dealers.
Sharing this sort of bad experience highlight the service quality of some other excellent dealers.
I know exactly which dealers are trustworthy and only spend my money with them.
There is alot of threads on here about there customer service but yet people still seem to buy from them. Theres alot better venders on here to deal with.
When you show respect like that how could "the little punk" not respect your wishes, you're clearly superior to him. He should have bowed down and polished you're boots with his tongue.

Actually, as this is in a customer service situation, i.e. OP being the customer, you're god**** right the employee had better do what he wants, especially when it is something this trivial. If he had asked for a demonstration of all the different sorts of slugs and to have all their prices ranked in order of greatest to least and to see each one out on the counter before him (for the sake of an extreme example), I could see why there may be some resentment from employee point of view, but it is still his job to do it. If he doesn't like it he should find a new job. But he didn't ask for all of that, all he wanted to do was find out the price of the slugs and the employee was incapable of performing his very simplistic duty. If you are in the customer service industry and don't like dealing customers, you are in the wrong place and it is your own fault for not finding a different job better suited to your skills and qualities, IMO. It is your job as an employee to cater to the needs of the customer. Period.

Right you are... But YOU need to get the car to the dealer and I'm pretty sure they won't be giving you a gas card.

I can't speak to the dealer in questions warranty policy. I just think its silly that guys expect them to pay shipping. Walmart isn't going to send you a taxi if you want to return a pack of depends.

No gas card when it happened to me. new 03 chev duramax. trans did some kinky stuff and it was locked in low. they sent the towtruck. I never paid for it it was on WARRENTY chev paid for it. had only 4300 kms on it at the time so might as well say new. any place that will not send or ship back something defective new outa the box in the firearms industry is cutting there own throat.
Wow, did that one guy actually compare firearm purchases and shipping to a VCR bought at a store? One, what ####ing year is this? Two, it couldn't possibly be anymore of a different situation, and YES, they should replace the video that was ruined if they sold a faulty product (By the way, try the internet Kewl , this little thing you're on right now, you can probably watch construction workers ####ing eachother for free somewhere online buddy). But your comparing 40 dollars of shipping to a drive down the street? How? You have to drive to SHIP the gun still too.

Either way, that fella seems totally lost, and I have come to decide I will only buy from Canam and Wolverine, I have not dealt with Wolverine for purchases yet, but they seem totally awesome and have assured me , any problems, it gets shipped back to them, never the manufacturer unless they do it (Mind you, for canam, you need to pay return shipping, that was lame). I have a number of gun stores around me, so I was always scared to order guns online, when I did ,I was not 100% impressed with ordering online , but it is what it is, cheap and available.
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Why are you gents getting mad over a troll making smart ass comments? (He's probably laughing at you guys for raging)

Best treatment for trolls is no treatment.
They cannot be cured.
Its irrelevant who paid for the original shipping. This is extra shipping charges due to the firearm not being functional.

Which is not the retailers fault but the manufacturer. The retailer doesent reprisent the manufacturor up here the warranty csnter does. You want free shipping to and from ? Talk to the people who wont lose money on this sort of thing.

Epps returns this rifle gives him his money back. The warranty center says "nope no replacement we will fix it" gun no longer has the factory warranty as it has been sold and returned and have tonsell it used at a loss in both shipping and cost of firearm.

Epps is just as much at the mercy of the warranty center as you are.

Kman.. do you really think that epps opens every singlr gun box to inspect them head to toe ? No the gun should not have made it from the factory to the retailer. It isnt the retailers problem to make sure the manufacturer's quality contol is up to snuff.
Which is not the retailers fault but the manufacturer. The retailer doesent reprisent the manufacturor up here the warranty csnter does. You want free shipping to and from ? Talk to the people who wont lose money on this sort of thing.

Epps returns this rifle gives him his money back. The warranty center says "nope no replacement we will fix it" gun no longer has the factory warranty as it has been sold and returned and have tonsell it used at a loss in both shipping and cost of firearm.

Epps is just as much at the mercy of the warranty center as you are.

Kman.. do you really think that epps opens every singlr gun box to inspect them head to toe ? No the gun should not have made it from the factory to the retailer. It isnt the retailers problem to make sure the manufacturer's quality contol is up to snuff.

Yes indeed this firearm was taken out of the box and the bolt was put in. I know this because they sent me pictures of the rifle prior to me buying it.
I recently bought a new Winchester M70 Super Grade from your store. Unfortunately there are issues with the rifle and when I emailed you with pictures and a description of said problems I was told this would have to be resolved through the manufacturer. A refund or exchange would have been fantastic, even having the rifle shipped out with a pre paid shipping label would have been nice. As it is I will have to spend another ~$40 to mail it out on my own dime and then wait who knows how long to get this sorted out. I have flat out exchanged or returned rifles at other sponsoring dealers here (with free return shipping I might add) in the past. If your policy is that customers are stuck with what ever they buy and are on their own to get it sorted out then I most certainly won't be buying anymore firearms from your store. Unfortunate indeed.

a few points here.
- epps didn't build the gun, the warranty policy is Winchesters and not theirs, they only abide by Winchesters warranty policy.
- they have agreed to help by the sounds of it, not like some said, refused to help.
- why not wait till the end of of the dealing before slandering them, cause if all charges get solved, and gun is dealt with, you look like a moron (if you actually had the balls to admit it)..
Epps is a representative of Winchester, they chose to sell them and obviously do not stand behind any products they sell. To put it in a nutshell, Epps has the worst customer service I have ever dealt with, I have been burnt once by them but it will never happen again.
OOOOOOOOOOh to be perfect like MATTLS.. my new dream in life... Burnt once and now "worst customer service". I didnt like the taste of my first beer but alas I quite enjoyed my last one, good thing I tried again.
OOOOOOOOOOh to be perfect like MATTLS.. my new dream in life... Burnt once and now "worst customer service". I didnt like the taste of my first beer but alas I quite enjoyed my last one, good thing I tried again.

Fail. Didn't enjoy your first beer? Did the guy who sold you your first beer give you a flat beer and now you've learned to enjoy flat beer? Or was it that you just didn't like beer at that time in your life? When you get a flat beer served up do you send it back or purchase yet another flat beer from the same retailer without mention? Or better yet does the retailer say talk to the brewer - It's their issue not mine? Do you not think that if a retailer decides they want to make a profit from the resale of certain manufactures products that part of doing that is to take care of the issues that come with doing business with said manufacturers? It's a lot easier and short sighted to pass the buck onto the customer for short term gain of a single sale. Anyone who is building a business for long term success would want to take care of the customer to the highest degree possible in hopes that the customer returns to spend more money and refer business to others and earn more revenue. If they don't, then in my opinion they don't deserve your business. There are many dealers who work hard to earn your business continually. Support those guys so this kinda thing doesn't continue.
Sounds like they've been taking lessons from lever arms ! He he he ...... I live 5 min away from them yet drive clear across town to deal with the great service from wanstalls
When i bought my lawnmower from crappy tire & died halfway thru 1st mow due to oil feed being plugged they exchanged it didnt tell me contact Honda.
I pay for the mower but also for local service its bull#### they tell u go to manufacturer
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