Disappointed with Customer Service

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Anyone wanting to sell defective firearms give ithacaguy a call. You might catch him sipping one of his better tasting ales when he agrees that there is NO alternative other than purchase your malfunctioning equipment. Unfortunately Epps has such a nasty reputation to which they have lived up to. Too many guys I hunt and shoot with have felt the wrath of Epps.
Looks like a lot of armchair quarterbacks in this thread should start their own gunstores and show the rest how it should be done.

I dont know of many non franchised gunstores up herd that will just return a new gun if they arent the warranty depot.
Which is not the retailers fault but the manufacturer. The retailer doesent reprisent the manufacturor up here the warranty csnter does. You want free shipping to and from ? Talk to the people who wont lose money on this sort of thing.

Epps returns this rifle gives him his money back. The warranty center says "nope no replacement we will fix it" gun no longer has the factory warranty as it has been sold and returned and have tonsell it used at a loss in both shipping and cost of firearm.

Epps is just as much at the mercy of the warranty center as you are.

Kman.. do you really think that epps opens every singlr gun box to inspect them head to toe ? No the gun should not have made it from the factory to the retailer. It isnt the retailers problem to make sure the manufacturer's quality contol is up to snuff.

So tell us all on here, how would you feel if you used your earned money and purchased a product you have been working towards only to open your box from the mail to find out it is defective. Better yet would it make you feel alot better when you phone the retailer you purchased it from and they bluntly told you "to bad, it's your problem not mine. BTW, have a nice day". If you like to deal with people like that and it makes you a repeat customer, PM me I have a deal for you.....Laugh2
Any retailer that could care less about their customers or the condition of products they sell do not deserve to be in buisiness.
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