Disappointed with Customer Service

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CGN frequent flyer
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I recently bought a new Winchester M70 Super Grade from your store. Unfortunately there are issues with the rifle and when I emailed you with pictures and a description of said problems I was told this would have to be resolved through the manufacturer. A refund or exchange would have been fantastic, even having the rifle shipped out with a pre paid shipping label would have been nice. As it is I will have to spend another ~$40 to mail it out on my own dime and then wait who knows how long to get this sorted out. I have flat out exchanged or returned rifles at other sponsoring dealers here (with free return shipping I might add) in the past. If your policy is that customers are stuck with what ever they buy and are on their own to get it sorted out then I most certainly won't be buying anymore firearms from your store. Unfortunate indeed.
Well, it is clearly written on their website.

Can new items be returned for a refund?
Possibly. New items are covered by the manufacturer's warranty policy. Warranties differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. Please consult the manufacturer or ask a sales rep for warranty details.
I had to argue will some little punk at the ammo desk about the price of rifled slugs he insisted they were 15.99 and I said not possible for a box of 5 you must be thinking of sabots he refused to ring them in for peat sake. When someone finally did they were 5.99 lol never again will I shop there
I recently bought a new Winchester M70 Super Grade from your store. Unfortunately there are issues with the rifle and when I emailed you with pictures and a description of said problems I was told this would have to be resolved through the manufacturer. A refund or exchange would have been fantastic, even having the rifle shipped out with a pre paid shipping label would have been nice. As it is I will have to spend another ~$40 to mail it out on my own dime and then wait who knows how long to get this sorted out. I have flat out exchanged or returned rifles at other sponsoring dealers here (with free return shipping I might add) in the past. If your policy is that customers are stuck with what ever they buy and are on their own to get it sorted out then I most certainly won't be buying anymore firearms from your store. Unfortunate indeed.
So, you often have issues with retailers. Have you thought maybe you're the issue? Why do you think it's their job to get the rifle back to them, it's not.

I had to argue will some little punk at the ammo desk about the price of rifled slugs he insisted they were 15.99 and I said not possible for a box of 5 you must be thinking of sabots he refused to ring them in for peat sake. When someone finally did they were 5.99 lol never again will I shop there
When you show respect like that how could "the little punk" not respect your wishes, you're clearly superior to him. He should have bowed down and polished you're boots with his tongue.

So, you buy a VCR from blockbuster video.... VCR breaks, eats up your favorite #### tape, "construction workers gone wild, plumb nasty". Do you call blockbuster video and ask for a pre-paid cab? And while we're at it should they be on the hook for a new copy of plumb nasty?

Why do people think it's the retailers job to get the return back to them? It's not, that's your job.
Also, call them. You'll find it far me effective than b!tching on a forum.
This is exactly why I don't deal with these guys either.........they just don't get it!!

I recently bought a new Winchester M70 Super Grade from your store. Unfortunately there are issues with the rifle and when I emailed you with pictures and a description of said problems I was told this would have to be resolved through the manufacturer. A refund or exchange would have been fantastic, even having the rifle shipped out with a pre paid shipping label would have been nice. As it is I will have to spend another ~$40 to mail it out on my own dime and then wait who knows how long to get this sorted out. I have flat out exchanged or returned rifles at other sponsoring dealers here (with free return shipping I might add) in the past. If your policy is that customers are stuck with what ever they buy and are on their own to get it sorted out then I most certainly won't be buying anymore firearms from your store. Unfortunate indeed.
To the OP, thats the reason I will never deal with epp's again. I ordered a firearm by mail order only to get the wrong gun. Had to pay twice to ship it back as epp's would not come good for shipping the wrong gun. When the second gun arrived it was defective out of the box. I was left to deal with the problem. Zero help or opology by epp's. Damn pathedic when a retailer will not stand behind the products they sell and could care less if customers are sold defective products. Regardless if epp's ever figures it out and changes their policy, I'll never go back.
The retailer I deal with now will take back any defective firearm and deal with problem themselves. They will give a refund or a new or fix the gun if possible in a timely fashion. IMO if you don't stand behind your products, your not getting my money.
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So, you often have issues with retailers. Have you thought maybe you're the issue? Why do you think it's their job to get the rifle back to them, it's not.

When you show respect like that how could "the little punk" not respect your wishes, you're clearly superior to him. He should have bowed down and polished you're boots with his tongue.

So, you buy a VCR from blockbuster video.... VCR breaks, eats up your favorite #### tape, "construction workers gone wild, plumb nasty". Do you call blockbuster video and ask for a pre-paid cab? And while we're at it should they be on the hook for a new copy of plumb nasty?

Why do people think it's the retailers job to get the return back to them? It's not, that's your job.
Also, call them. You'll find it far me effective than b!tching on a forum.

any retailer that wont take back defective equipment in the firearms trade isn't a very good bussness man.

the #### tape thing can be looked at this way aswell: you buy a new car at the dealership and it has a problem right off the bat does the dealer tell you to send it back to the factory yourself? I don't think so. ive delt there exactly once , or tried to deal there myself aswell, fella on the phone was very condescending and almost didn't have time for me. so no prob ill find someone else to sell me the rifle
Right you are... But YOU need to get the car to the dealer and I'm pretty sure they won't be giving you a gas card.

I can't speak to the dealer in questions warranty policy. I just think its silly that guys expect them to pay shipping. Walmart isn't going to send you a taxi if you want to return a pack of depends.
A local business and one that ships firearms country wide are two different things. The customer shouldn't be paying anything additional due to the fact that they didn't get a working firearm. Its a contract.. The buyer's end is paying money, the dealer's end is delivering a working firearm. When the dealer fails to uphold their part of the contract, why should the customer have to pay extra money for anything?
any retailer that wont take back defective equipment in the firearms trade isn't a very good bussness man.

the #### tape thing can be looked at this way aswell: you buy a new car at the dealership and it has a problem right off the bat does the dealer tell you to send it back to the factory yourself? I don't think so. ive delt there exactly once , or tried to deal there myself aswell, fella on the phone was very condescending and almost didn't have time for me. so no prob ill find someone else to sell me the rifle

Totally agree. I have never had problems, but the last time I dealt with EPPS for a new firearms was a few years ago. And then people were praising them, as the place to go in the Southern Ontario area. Funny how these change.
If you buy a firearm from a dealer, they should stand by the product. You shouldn't have to go contact the maker or the distributor. Poor service I agree, from this example.
A local business and one that ships firearms country wide are two different things. The customer shouldn't be paying anything additional due to the fact that they didn't get a working firearm. Its a contract.. The buyer's end is paying money, the dealer's end is delivering a working firearm. When the dealer fails to uphold their part of the contract, why should the customer have to pay extra money for anything?

Did the buyer pay shipping on the original order? If so, why should that change? If not why would they expect free shipping 3 x over?
I suppose if you are fine for paying to have defective merchandise returned then by all means do so. Other dealers that will continue to receive my business are the ones that issue RMAs, provide me with pre paid return shipping labels in my order incase something is not up to snuff and so on. My continued business is obviously worth more to them then the odd return shipping charge when something isn't right.

I would also like to mention that at the very least the issue with the bolt closing on wood should have been identified and the gun should never have been sold based on that flaw alone. On the other hand it is of course much easier to sell it anyways and have the customer deal with getting it sorted out on their own time and money.

I also think it is quite peculiar that when I sell a gun on the EE I'm expected to take detailed pictures and mention Any flaws with the firearm but a dealer isn't expected to at the very least check over guns before they leave the shop.

Did the buyer pay shipping on the original order? If so, why should that change? If not why would they expect free shipping 3 x over?
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