Black friday specials


Expired Business
Our chief of security, Gustav, has put together a one day list of specials....

The sale will run from Thursday midnight to Friday midnight of this week....

Many items will be on a first come first served basis, NO rain checks, when the goods are sold, that's it, all over....

The list will go up late Thursday, keep an eye open....

Eyes Open! Missed some of your recent deals...any advance hints!? I've bought 3 new toys this month alone the ammo to feed them. Each time I told myself that was it for the year and all I have to say in my defense is the third one was a pre-order from August.

December I'll have to start wrapping and stashing my new "toys" under the tree marked "From Santa". My mom, knowing me all too well, recently forbid me from buying my dad anything that goes bang for Christmas :(
Open on thursday eh? Well I guess in a month after all the delays we will see the deals. Not falling for all the hype again.

Thats what I like a real positive outlook on life....Simply put, what the hell are you talking about ??

If we don't put up the Black Friday specials on time , I will give you any one on the list.... however given your positive attitude, if we are up on time I expect you to donate something to your local food bank
And what was wrong with the SVTs we offered ??

your special deal are always with svt-40 and SKS we will like to see new special ( 1895 nagant revolver , mosin nagant special or vz-58 ....

I don t cretic the quality of the SKS and svt-40 that your selling, I only try to said that Canadian buyer are tired of always seen SKS and svt-40 special, every dealer have sks and svt-40 special right now !
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