Motiuk Prototype #1: Under Barrel Shotgun

Motiuk Mfg.

Supporting Business Member
We've been testing this for a while, and are just looking to gauge interest.


8.5" barreled 870 with our under barrel AR-15 mounting system. Would there be any interest for this?

Stay tuned for other prototypes that we plan on posting here in order to gauge interest.
if you attach a restricted firearm to a restricted firearm.. does it make it prohibited or just twice as restricted?
Hmm, I would very much enjoying seeing a video of that in action.

Looks so very tempting.

Also, because someone needs to say it, nevah been done before, it's a game changer ;)
Oh yeah - make one for the AR platforms, and one for the CZ-858 platforms and I'll buy two of them.

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