2014 Shot Show: Troy Industries Pump Action Rifle


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Troy Industries is making a pump action rifle to sell to some of the non-free states in the US. Other than the handguard and the pistol grip which are borrowed from the AR15, the upper, lower and bolt group only bare some casual resemblance to semi automatic rifles. This rifle is extremely light weight and it handles like a dream, compared to the tradition pump action rifle like Remginton 7600. If you so desire, you can even shoot it with the stock folded.





We need a Canadian model with a magazine that's totally unique, and won't fit any other rifle.

Then we can have 30 round mags for the gun. And I bet it would sell.
shot show must be a dilly this year....tactical revolver rifle, pump action AR and skull and flames grips ....I think time would be better spent with Mike Tyson and his tiger after I married a stripper
its an ar "variant"...... i say that sarcastically because its simply not true, but one look at this rifle and i can almost gaurentee the rcmp will slap a restricted sticker on it

cmon am i alone on this one?

Please tell us what your basing that on.
While it may look like and has a resemblance to the AR15 family it will not accommodate standard uppers and has a completely different lower, I have already spoken to North Sylva and they will bring samples to submit to the RCMP...

While it may look like and has a resemblance to the AR15 family it will not accommodate standard uppers and has a completely different lower, I have already spoken to North Sylva and they will bring samples to submit to the RCMP...



I'm really interested in this one, especially for the 300BLK project I've been wanting to do. I had been looking at pump options but a Rem7600 hasn't really been appealing.

Any word on what mags it uses? Stanag mags wouldn't be the end of the world, but in this case would be a handicap.
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