Bad Boxing Day shopping experience at Marstar

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CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Uber Super GunNutz
Southern Ontario
There were some good deals to be had in firearms world at Christmas time.
One of the retailers that I dealt with before, with mixed luck, had two rifles I was interested in at a very good price.

Even though I was somewhat uneasy about dealing with him again, I decided to give it a chance.
Everyone has a bad going once in a while, and out of several deals we had, most of them went OK.

So I went forward and ordered these rifles, hoping for the best.

But... not quite.

Two weeks went by, without any updates or order acknowledgment, and I decided to call it quits and cancel this order.
I called in, spoke to an employee, who informed me that order was not completed yet, and he is cancelling it as we speak.

Great. I avoided problems this time.

Not quite.

Day or two later, I received email from their administrator that order has been shipped, and my CC charged.
At this point, I am feeling pressured into situation I don't wanna be in, but after sleeping on it- figure I may as well
keep the rifles, and be done with it.

Deal is going sideways... but I did originally want these rifles... price is good... let's just go with it, keep it simple and make
the best of it.

Not quite.

About a week later, I received postal notice that parcel has arrived for me, and is being held at local postal outlet.


It was a weekend, and I decided to pick up a parcel, invite friends over and make a day of it.
We were gonna open a box, take rifles apart, give them all TLC they need, and enjoy ourselves some fine Cuban cigars.
What could possibly go wrong... it was looking like a very pleasant way to spend cold and snowy Saturday.

Well, it did go wrong.

Saturday came, friend and his wife arrived at my place.
Meal was in the oven, and buddy and me went to get a parcel, before dinner.
We went to postal outlet at a local pharmacy, where my parcel was held for pick up.

As I handed parcel notice to an employee, she looked at me with very unsettled and nervous expression on her face.
She shakily handed me a stylus pen to sign for a parcel, and I kid you not... she said to me 'here is your gun to sign with... I mean...
sign here for your gun'.

At that point, I could see that something was not right.
Couple of employees brought a box out, and just looked at me.

Two muzzles were each sticking out about an inch and half out of the box, making it obvious what was inside the box.

'Would you like to take it from the back of the store, you surely would not want to walk through the store with it?'

'Are you sure you wanna accept this box?'

I grabbed the box to take a better look at it.
When I looked at it closer, what I have seen has made me furious.

Genius who packed this parcel has forced a large and a long rifle into a small rifle box.

Rifle box was forced closed on top of the rifle, and muzzle was sticking out by about 1.5 inches.

Two rifle boxes were packed together, and thin cardboard was rolled once around them.
Part of the each barrel that were sticking out of the box, were sticking out of the cardboard packaging as well, making it
the most ridiculous packaging job I have ever seen.


There was no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that rifles were packed improperly, and it was not Canada Post's fault this time.
I could just imagine that it took at least two guys roaring laughing while forcing that rifle box closed and thinking how clever they were.

I took a few pictures of the parcel, and requested the clerk to return it back to sender.

On my way home, I was thinking about how this parcel will make it back to retailer.

- Will the police be called by misinformed postal clerk?

- Will the parcel be held up at postal facility for further scrutiny?

- As contents of the parcel were now well known to everyone, will someone with ill intentions attempt to steal this firearms?

This weighed upon me for several days, until parcel arrived back to retailer's local postal depot.

Meanwhile, I have called the retailer, and was informed that owner of the business was away at the Shot Show,
and no resolution could be reached until he returns.

I sent email to administrator, and have had no reply from her. None.

It appeared that they were either stonewalling me, or that this business totally hangs of one single person, and when he is not there, whole place is defunct.

So, to be fair to retailer, I have decided to make this thread once owner was back in the country.
There was another thread started while he was away, 'First and last dealing with Marstar', and again... I waited until it was dealt with.

It appears that these threads are regular events here, and would like to ask CGN'ers to refrain from unproductive postings.
Let's keep to the subject of this thread, and appreciate it for what it is.

It is a matter of public service, to let my friends and colleagues in firearms hobby know what is to be expected from this retailer.

This is not the first time I have been burned by them.

I guess besides being disappointed at what is happening right now, I am equally angry at myself for allowing myself to repeat the same mistake.It is absolutely not necessary to accept such substandard level of service, as there are excellent quality retailers on CGN for just a few pennies more.


By popular demand, three posts have been merged as a whole, for additional clarity.

Posts remain at their original posting positions as well.
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I not going to lie, I don't think I understood half of that.

Either send the guns back and get a refund, or keep them. The world is your oyster.
It was a weekend, and I decided to pick up a parcel, invite friends over and make a day of it.

We were gonna open a box, take rifles apart, give them all TLC they need, and enjoy ourselves some fine Cuban cigars.

What could possibly go wrong... it was looking like a very pleasant way to spend cold and snowy Saturday.

Well, it did go wrong.

Saturday came, friend and his wife arrived at my place.

Meal was in the oven, and buddy and me went to get a parcel, before dinner.

We went to postal outlet at a local pharmacy, where my parcel was held for pick up.

As I handed parcel notice to an employee, she looked at me with very unsettled and nervous expression on her face.

She shakily handed me a stylus pen to sign for a parcel, and I kid you not... she said to me 'here is your gun to sign with... I mean...
sign here for your gun'.

At that point, I could see that something was not right.

Couple of employees brought a box out, and just looked at me.

Two muzzles were each sticking out about an inch and half out of the box, making it obvious what was inside the box.

'Would you like to take it from the back of the store, you surely would not want to walk through the store with it?'

'Are you sure you wanna accept this box?'

I grabbed the box to take a better look at it.

When I looked at it closer, what I have seen has made me furious.

Genius who packed this parcel has forced a large and a long rifle into a small rifle box.

Rifle box was forced closed on top of the rifle, and muzzle was sticking out by about 1.5 inches.

Two rifle boxes were packed together, and thin cardboard was rolled once around them.

Part of the each barrel that were sticking out of the box, were sticking out of the cardboard packaging as well, making it

the most ridiculous packaging job I have ever seen.
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just write it all ! lol

Sounds like you should have taken a lot of pictures or maybe not accepted them ? Did they look damaged ? (I know hard to tell but if the muzzle was scratched or something?) I would have refused them and sent them back, asking dealer for full refund and told them that their service is terrible and wont be dealing with them again.
I am getting tired, and may have to continue tomorrow.

I got pictures, and lot more to write about.

Not done here, not by a long shot.
That's ridiculous, good thing you got pictures, I probably would have refused the imagine the end of those rifles probably took a beating and I probably wouldn't want them anymore. Once you accept the package its more of a pain to return it because youll probably be on the hook for return shipping...if you just refuse it you can just do a charge back on the CC if they refuse to refund you.

I would expect even cheap rifles to be packaged better than that...if it was something expensive id be guessing it was surplus stuff?
POST REPORTED. Gonna be a rule in the myriad of rules about not permitted to leave the readers hanging. This ain't "A Song of Ice and Fire".

Next time create the post in the morning :stirthepot2:

Turns out it was your own gun sent from one of your own split personalities. ....... and the postal worker was from the future!

This story was good, but splitting it up made it lame. I guess Ill never know what happened.
Yeah maybe just tell the full story next time lol. As different as it is breaking it up. It's also killing me lol.
If the OP is not going to name the retailer why bother with the thread, it's of no use to us, the OP gets to vent while we get to wonder what retailer is responsible.

I'm really getting tired of all these "bad experience" threads where the OP's refuse to name the retailer, I mean ####ing grow a pair and name names.
If you can speculate on the etymology of the word shenanigan, it offers clues to whom I think this unscrupulous retailer might be. I may be wrong, but from past experience... I really feel for the OP. I took my damaged upon delivery Beretta A400 Xplor like "Bat out of hell" and went face to face, or actually argued toe-to-toe with the retailer, from a deal I had purchased from boxing day 2012. It never ended well with in store credit, for other firearms I had no interest in. I was furious and still hold a personal vendetta against the offending retailer to this day. Yeah, no return policy - Is that really the law of the land? A voluntary thing? It is difficult arguing in a gun store to say the least. Lots of guns around. I felt threatened like I had to watch my back. Some businesses are run like the mafia and don't deserve my business any longer. Okay, I am going off topic, but crap like this really does hurt, and the OP may have little recourse. The only thing that held my composure a little better than usual when facing them was my daughter accompanying me on my journey.
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