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Thread: Letter to my local Liberal MP and Conservative candidate

  1. #1
    CGN Regular
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    Cobourg, Ontario

    Letter to my local Liberal MP and Conservative candidate

    Good morning Ms. Rudd,

    I have a small business located just North of Cobourg, Ontario, employing three people with well-paying jobs and injected over $400,000 into the local economy in 2018. My business is that I provide material and technical support to the Canadian ammunition industry. I primarily employ veterans, like myself. Most of the people who I employ have service-related disabilities, whether they are visible or invisible.

    If the Liberals move forward with a gun ban or "buyback" it will severely hinder my ability to provide for my family and employ people within the community. I am concerned to the point that I have created a business exit strategy to try and mitigate losses and still be able to provide for my family since I will be forced to shut down my business if this proposed policy moves forward.

    Care to comment on how your party's platform will destroy jobs and small businesses in your constituency?

    Especially when you reflect upon your own statement of "I’ve been a lifelong entrepreneur and an advocate on the federal and provincial levels for small businesses"

    How are you specifically standing up for your constituents? I haven't seen anything from the Liberal platform, or from you that has indicated you are interested in helping your average constituent. I would believe that most of us are not looking for handouts, or "free things". I just want to be able to provide for my family, and this proposed policy will actually actively prevent me from running my business and potentially make the quality of life for my family significantly worse.

    I would like to thank you for your time and your consideration of a response to my concerns,


    Brian Norris

  2. #2
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Armourall's Avatar
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    Please let us know their replies!

  3. #3
    CGN Regular
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    Hoping it doesn't come to that.
    Am enjoying using your product too.

  4. #4
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Good on you!!! Is there anyway we can support your business?
    1944 - 18 year old men stormed the beaches of Normandy into almost certain death.
    2021 - 18 year old boys need a safe space because words hurt their feelings.
    2022 - 18 year old boys aren't sure what bathroom to use.

  5. #5
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer nowarningshot's Avatar
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    Submit the letter, to your local paper. Perhaps the response, i would expect the response, sometime between Oct 22 and never.
    A free society must outlaw harming innocent people to function, but when we seek to curtail what all of us can do, rather than holding each of us responsible for what we actually do, we give up on freedom itself.

  6. #6
    CGN Regular
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    Dear Brian,

    Thank you for taking the time to write. As you know, we are committed to build on the important measures we passed in Bill C-71, and continue to take serious, common-sense action to crack down on gun crime:

    We will ban all military-style assault rifles, including the AR-15;
    We will work with the provinces and territories to give municipalities the ability to further restrict — or ban — handguns; and
    We will protect the rights of law-abiding hunters and pledge not to bring back the long-gun registry. Hunters do not use or need assault weapons.

    With kind regards,

    Every useless Liberal MP towing the line

  7. #7
    Super GunNutz manx07's Avatar
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    Good job Brian

  8. #8
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Milanczar's Avatar
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    I am sure your local CPC candidate appreciates you.

    The CPC support small business. Among other things Scheer is committed to rolling back Liberal Small Business Tax changes.
    The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run.
    - Moby Dick, Herman Melville

  9. #9
    CGN Regular
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    I doubt I will receive any reply. What can Ms. Rudd respond to this with that isn't going to contradict the Liberal party's mandate? I don't believe the Liberal Party of Canada values rural Canadians, small business owners, or the working class. I had hoped that all parties would focus on dealing with hard issues, not photo op "spending announcements". I would much rather have a leader stand up and say, "we are going to be fiscally responsible and some services will be reduced, it is going to be challenging, not everyone will be happy. However, we will leave Canada in a better financial position for our children then it is today." Making all these announcements about these big promises, I don't think is a responsible approach.

    I have had some discussions with the local CPC candidate office, and he is acutely aware of my situation. I was informed that it will probably be brought up as a speaking point in the next debate.

    For those who are offering to support my business further. I appreciate it, though I would prefer you go out and help in your riding. I deserve nor desire any special consideration. It has been a tough year for everyone in the industry within Canada, we have all been running lean.

  10. #10
    CGN frequent flyer
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    I wrote my local MP 6 times never got one reply (Liberal) I wrote conservative Senators from BC and each one personally responded. That work ethic alone should sway any vote.
    CCFR Member

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