I have placed orders with Tenda as well as a half dozen other site sponsors over the past months. I have never had a real problem with Tenda, from reasonable email response times to shipping times, but then again, I don't expect miraculous turn around times, given our current circumstances with suppliers and evolving shipping costs and headaches. Email responses within 24-48 hours I consider par and waiting a few days for an order to change from 'processing' to 'shipped' is no biggie to me. Regarding emails not being received, I know about this, as I have had the same Hotmail account for probably 20 years and I know for a fact that some recipients get my emails sent to their junk mail bins due to thinking Hotmail was spam. This happened to me twice this week with a site sponsor retailer and it is not uncommon, Hotmail or not. The same retailer (not Tenda) also took nearly 5 full business days to change my online order from 'accepted and processing' to 'complete' and another day for it to be shipped. Canada Post tracking shows the rifle finally arriving in my hands about 15 days after order placed. To me, this is not bad customer service.
Putting a site sponsor on notice for IMO trivial inconveniences and wait times seems petty. I mean, we are not waiting on a pharmacist to fill a life-saving medication. Most of the time we are just waiting for a new toy or toy accessories to arrive in the mail. I remember being impatient when I was a kid, sending in comic book mail order forms for an action figure in the 70s and waiting 4-6 weeks for shipping. I'm a big boi now and I'm a little more patient and given the global circumstances, I give a generous helping of patience to all retailers, since they are not all set up like Amazon.
As for someone on the phone who is "a bit snarky", well, in my line of work, snarky is par. Somebody would have to be a real Karen or a real a$$hat to me in order for it to sour any deal. I know that retailers are in the business of customer service, but the person on the other end of the phone is human, and we humans can get that way. He prob just needed a Snickers bar.