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Thread: Swiss Arms

  1. #1
    CGN frequent flyer stripperclipper's Avatar
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    Swiss Arms

    With the recent news of a reclassification, and the government suggestion to seek reimbursement from the retailers, I'm curious about your refund policy.
    For the record, I'm not trying to smear the name of your business like many others are, I'm trying to make sense of this RCMP ruling that hurts you as much as it does anyone else.
    Also known as "Dewey Cox" on other forums.

  2. #2
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Barry F's Avatar
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    TSE should be refunding the money for all 1800 of them. Not likely....
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  3. #3
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Tuco Pike's Avatar
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  4. #4
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer andrew3081's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry F View Post
    TSE should be refunding the money for all 1800 of them. Not likely....
    And how did you come to that conclusion?

  5. #5
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    That's crap - if any one entity is responsible for this debacle it's Swiss Arms. They decided to refurb PE90's and sell them into the Canadian market as something other than what they are. This issue came to light because the refurb job was obvious to anyone familiar with the rifles. When one came into TSE they were legally bound to report the gun - just as any firearms owner has no right to remain silent, neither does a firearms business, and no sane person would risk their livelihood getting caught with a prohib rifle. This isn't highschool.
    "In the days of my youth I was told what it means to be a man, Now I've reached that age if I do that stuff I'll end up in the can...."
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  6. #6
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    Be a part of the solution now, not a part of the problem. Everyone write, mp, pm

  7. #7
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer burnaby's Avatar
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    The teenage mob is sure out tonight. Uninformed, emotional and out for blood.

    CGN is turning into bunch of kids blaming the teacher for reporting their questionable activities. May John is the smart one for thinking of leaving.
    Quote Originally Posted by enefgee View Post
    That's crap - if any one entity is responsible for this debacle it's Swiss Arms. They decided to refurb PE90's and sell them into the Canadian market as something other than what they are. This issue came to light because the refurb job was obvious to anyone familiar with the rifles. When one came into TSE they were legally bound to report the gun - just as any firearms owner has no right to remain silent, neither does a firearms business, and no sane person would risk their livelihood getting caught with a prohib rifle. This isn't highschool.
    Revolvers RULE; remember that next time you BEND over to pick up brass OR ejected brass pings off the precision gear.
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  8. #8
    CGN frequent flyer rci2950's Avatar
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    Good way for the gov to deal a blow to the firearms community, focus the compensation issue on the sellers and importers. That way you can undermine their business and possibly ruin them. Eliminating the point of entry of some firearms into canada

  9. #9
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer wbaad's Avatar
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    This has to be stopped before it moves to other firearms and maybe even classes! it seems like testing the waters...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    OP, where are you getting this information? I'm not able to find any releases that mention a confiscation.

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